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Edoradar last won the day on July 23 2024

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About Edoradar

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi. actually my case wouldn't really work for you without a massive customization. I have a full simulation running aside and the freeze has double effect on p3d itself and my simulation. Like John said you just need to write the offset the way he specified, probably the easiest thing for you is inside fsuipc window to bind a particular swithc (like rain repellend as you said) to set the bit you want of the 3402 offset.
  2. Hi John. I finished now to test. It works really well. Thanks!
  3. Hmmmm ok I never tried to use it this way. I can give it a try for sure. is there a reference in the manual for how to do that or could you quickly point me towards? Sure I understand. Tought tho that since no one ever asked for this feature wouldn't have really matter the way it was implemented. But I get what you mean. Thanks!
  4. Hi John. It does work yes but... So I work with python and I have a full simulation done in that. variables like the various types of freeze are generated on my software side and sent as a stream to fsuipc. Of course if the freeze if a toggle, at every iteration there is a new assignement and that makes the freeze to go on and off repeatedly. On the contrary the way the 3541 works is just perfect for my kind of environment as at every iteration, if the freeze is active, the timer is kept alive. I attacch you the part of binding I use to give you the idea. Thanks fsuipc.py
  5. I could have given a quick try now before goin for dinner. It works but having a constant flow of offset writes, makes the use of the toggle a little uneasy to use...would eventually be possible to do like the 3541 where you write the timer to hold the value set? Sorry to bother you with that. Thanks!
  6. Hi John, I had to dedicate few days to my wife so couldn'ìt test yet. I'll try between tonight and tomorrow hopefully. sorry for the delay
  7. Thank you very much John, I'll test in the next couple of days and get back to you with it. Best of luck with the sciatica, I know how painful that is! Take care!
  8. Hi John, did you have any chance to look into that? Just a reminder 🙂 best regards
  9. Ok I can try that in the meantime and look forward for the update, no rush at all.. thank you!
  10. Hello, after a bit of research I couldn't find a proper answer to my question so I'm posting it here: In the simulation model I made I also have a built in reposition system able to set the aircraft in various specific positions, configurations, attitudes etc. It is workin pretty well but I encounter a problem related to the freeze. I see fsuipc has a dedicated offset to set the position freeze (3541) which works as intended, but I also saw that P3D is able to give back more specific freezes as specified in offset 3402, in particular: 4 Freeze position 5 Freeze attitude 6 Freeze altitude 7 Freeze Lat/Lon Now since depending on the repositioning I am doing, I am many times in need to freeze also the attitude but without setting the pause in the sim. Would it be possible to also write those offsets bits in order to set the most appropriate freeze? Thank you!
  11. Hello, as I am using free offsets for my program, I used basically all that are for free use and need more...if I write those for PM or activesky or other programs which I do not use, will they be available and working for the purpose? thanks
  12. Hi John. this made the trick! I am able to control the plane now as you suggested. Many thanks for your help!!!!
  13. Hi John. Before sending you the log,.. I took your suggestion and found out it's related to the aircraft. I am using Captain sim 767 and with it this reset to 0 happens. if I use any base aircraft it doesn't instead...you think there is a possible workaround for this or need to change the aircraft type?
  14. Good day John. I actually tried to do a key assignements as you instructed me. even without having my software running, the result is exactly the same. I attach the log of that for you to see. So just to make it clear in this report my software is NOT running. FSUIPC6.log
  15. Hi John. Attached the log file and the ini file I use. FSUIPC6.2.log FSUIPC6.log FSUIPC6.ini Edit: for reference I am sending a fixed value of 12000 to the aileron position from my program as a 2 bytes signed value
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