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About rmjc

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thanks to both of you! That was exactly my problem. I understand VB fairly well, but I forget how the underlying bits and bytes work at times. :oops: Thanks again! Robert
  2. I agree - based on what I see in FSInterrogate, I'm getting unsigned data back. I'm using the latest version of FSUIPC.bas to pull data back through Visual Basic. Here's the code I'm using to get the Outside temp value: Dim Success As Boolean Dim Data As Long Dim dwResult As Long Success = FSUIPC_Read(&H0E8C, 2, VarPtr(Data), dwResult) Success = FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Debug.Print Data How can I tell FSUIPC.bas that I want to pull signed data, rather than unsigned, which is what it seems to be pulling? Thanks!
  3. I'm trying to read the Outside Air Temperature using offset 0E8C. I have the latest version of FSUIPC installed, and I'm reading other settings with no issues. However, this one, even when divided by 256 (per the programmers doc), still gives a number that is much too high. For instance, ATIS is showing a temp around 0, and I'm getting a number in the 250s. Any ideas?
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