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Steve Corley

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Everything posted by Steve Corley

  1. Hate to come here sounding like a bumb.But the economy is so bad in my state and worse in my city,and at my age of 60,along with caring for my 80 year old dad,jobs are more rare than hen's teeth. I cant afford much beyond paying bills.Dont even have a single credit card. My best form of relaxation and entertainment is my FS9 (FS 2004) . The FSUIPC I have with it is ver ... My question is,is there a free,fully functioning version of FSUIPC available,since there are so many newer versions on the market? I dont need a whole lot f bells and whistles.Just something to make my radars and such work. Thanks.Signed,humiliated to have to ask for a freebie... :oops:
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