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About Murray_CYHZ

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  • Location
    Dartmouth NS, Canada

Murray_CYHZ's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi, there, Murray:

    And here I thought I was the only hard-core Flight-Simmer in the Dartmouth area -- until I ran across this post of yours.

    I live up in Colby, btw. Name's Jon, a retired Old Fart. email is:

    highground AT eastlink.ca


    Cheers, Murray.


  2. Everything seems to be working now. Thanks to all who replied. I hope this thread helps others as well! Good Luck! Murray
  3. Thank you very much Luke for your replies. I believe you are correct. I fixed the problem earlier today by re-installing FSX, than running the FSX.exe (the shortcut actually) "as administrator" and registered both FSUIPC 4.07 and WideFS. I then re-started FSX and ran the axis assignments, calibrations, buttons, and clicked OK. VISTA poped-up a "warning" and shut down FSX. I restarted FSX thinking that the assingments would be lost... they were not. I will now go into the "modules" directory and do as the fellow did in the link you provided... add write/modity rights. I will test things and report back here. Thanks again Luke for your help... and your humour! :lol: Murray
  4. Thanks for your response Frank... patients is a "virtue" that I don't seem to have. :lol: But, I really do appreciate your response. It would seem that the install (or the) registration problem associated with Vista (mentioned by others) seems to have corrupted FSUIPC 4.07 on my system. I uninstalled and reinstalled it and now it is "seeing" my axises (spelling?). But, unfortunatly, it is not "saving" the axis assignments I enter. It does seem to be saving the calibrations though... but I cannot test there effectiveness because of the afore mentioned problem. I am able to use FSUIPC 3.72 correctly (for the most part) when I boot to my Windows XP/FS2004 partition. I say for the most part becuase FSUIPC 3.72 does not always "see" the indent on the throttle axises (spelling?). This could be "my" error though as I have never used FSUIPC in this way... even though I have had a registered copy for many years ...no patients you know :D Anyway, thanks again! If you have any other tips, please don't hesitate to let me know. I am a willing student. BTW, I am in the process of re-installing ALL of my software as I had a motherboard die on me. I decided to go "BIG" and spent EDIT:$3000.00 CDN on the following components... ASUS P5B motherboard INTEL Core 2 Duo "Conroe" E6600 2.4GHz 4MB CPU EDIT: 2 Super*Talent DDR2-800 4G(2x1Gx(2 kits)) DUAL Channel RAM EVGA nVidia 8800GTX 768MB DDR3 Video Card SeaSonic 650X PSU 2 WD 320Gb SATA2 Hard Drives Windows Vista Ultimate 64Bit I can now run FS9 (in Windows XP Pro) and FSX (in Vista 64bit) with all sliders one notch from the top, and with "no tweaks", locked at 30 FPS. EDIT: I have applied the most popular "tweaks" (from the PMDG blog) and now have FSX locked at 20 FPS. I had to do this in order to have FSX run smooth in areas in and around large cities/airport combinations. By having it tweaked to run smooth in these areas, it runs smooth everywhere... kinda makes sense huh!?! Doh! BTW, I used KJFK/New York city at 1500 feet to do the testing... lots of stuff to tax your system in that area of FSX! Murray Wheten
  5. Nothing? hmmm... ok, I'll go away! :(
  6. Does anyone have an explaination for this problem I am experienceing. Beta testers... any of you test this?
  7. Hello! I have both FSUIPC and WideFS installed and registered thanks to this forum. But, FSUIPC is unable to comunicate with my CHProducts (yoke, pedals, throttle) through the "axis" tab. The rest of the FSUIPC interface works correctly. Is this a known issue with Vista and FSUIPC 4.07? If so, will there be a fix posted? Or, if one of you have 64Bit Vista and FSUIPC working perfectly, can you let me know? Thanks! Murray Wheten
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