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Posts posted by fanda

  1. Hello Pete


      It seems the fsuipc beta 4.935a for P3D 2.3  does not longer allowes writing the Fuel Flow values. 0x0918 and 0x09B0.  We are getting OK after write, but checking the values afterwords via FSUIPC logging results in the P3D values. This behavior was different in the older versions of FSUIPC, allowing us to overwrite the values.


     We have used overwrite in order to supply 3rd party software with correct Fuel Flow values, as our Q400 addon does not use the FSX/P2D flight dynamics engine. Would it be possible to restore this behavior?


      Thank you for taking your time to read this


    With best regards,

    Oleksiy Frolov

    Majestic Software

  2. Hello Pete

    Thank you for the answer. It seems that the change in the timing due to the new simconnect interface in the latest fsuipc has caused the autopilot to react differently than before. We've simply re-tuned the time constants to compensate, so it works..

    >Also, versions 4.2xx use the SP2/Accel version of SimConnect, if installed, whereas 4.1xx used at most the SP1 version. Are >you using SP2/Accel or just SP1 with FSX?

    Yes, I do. I have tested both 4.20 and 4.15 with FSX SP2.

    Actually the fact that the autopilot was working (far) less stable with the SP2 Simconnect (FSUIPC 4.20) could suggest that the FSX data, in the newer simconnect version is being accessed slower, than before.

    With best regards,

    Oleksiy Frolov

    Majestic Software

  3. Hello Pete

    In the recent week I have suddenly got numerous reports of the erratic autopilot behavior of our Dash8Q300 addon, when used with FSUIPC 4.2. When replaced with FSUIPC 4.152 problem disappears. Usually this would indicate that the acceleration data differs between the versions.

    Do you have an idea what might have been changed between 4.152 and 4.2 that might be causing this trouble ?

    Thank you,

    With best regards,

    Oleksiy Frolov

    Majestic Software

  4. Hello Pete, *

    One of my customers, who is trying to use our Dash 8 addon with FSUIPC for FSX, came with the following FSUIPC log:

    (FSX SP1, firewall off)

    Any idea what might be the cause for this failure ?

    Thank you

    With best regards,


    ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.20 by Pete Dowson *********

    User Name=""

    User Addr=""

    FSUIPC4 not user registered

    WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

    Running inside FSX (SimConnect SP1 May07)

    Module base=61000000


    110 System time = 17:37:53

    110 FLT UNC path = "C:\Documents and Settings\Dimitri\Мои документы\Flight

    Simulator X-Dateien\"

    110 FS UNC path = "K:\FS X\"

    1360 LogOptions=00000001

    1360 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    64063 **** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now ...


    64172 Now running with SimConnect Original

    64172 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    94954 **** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now ...


    95063 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities

    110141 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    110141 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    125188 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    125188 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    135766 System time = 17:40:09

    135766 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

  5. Hello Pete, *

    One of my customers, who is trying to use our Dash 8 addon with FSUIPC for FSX, came with the following FSUIPC log:

    (FSX SP1, firewall off)

    Any idea what might be the cause for this failure ?

    Thank you

    With best regards,


    ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.20 by Pete Dowson *********

    User Name=""

    User Addr=""

    FSUIPC4 not user registered

    WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

    Running inside FSX (SimConnect SP1 May07)

    Module base=61000000


    110 System time = 17:37:53

    110 FLT UNC path = "C:\Documents and Settings\Dimitri\Мои документы\Flight

    Simulator X-Dateien\"

    110 FS UNC path = "K:\FS X\"

    1360 LogOptions=00000001

    1360 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    64063 **** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now ...


    64172 Now running with SimConnect Original

    64172 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    94954 **** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now ...


    95063 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities

    110141 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    110141 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    125188 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

    125188 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

    135766 System time = 17:40:09

    135766 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

    Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed

    ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

  6. Hello Pete

    I would put the remark as follows:

    The name in 3C00 will not contain the correct aircraft path, untill MSFX loads the gauges completelly and begin the update sequence PANEL_SERVICE_PRE_UPDATE... PANEL_SERVICE_POST_UPDATE

    >Do you think there are likely to be many gauges actually using FSUIPC4 >when they can get this stuff direct from SimConnect?

    I am adapting our Dash 8 Q300 to MSFX, and it is using your fsuipc. Not sure how many gauges will do the same, but some will obviously do .



  7. Hello Pete

    I have the same problem as Jeroen described. For a different reason I must manipulate the value the VSI shows, however without success.

    Neither of the






    has effect on {VERTICAL_SPEED} MODULE_VAR

    Any idea where it could be stored ?


    Best Regards,


  8. Cause this will cause the wind velocity to fade slowly to become still at the touchdown, which is not realistic, cause the pilot has to adapt the Wind Correction Angle all the time.

    Usually wind fades very slowly as you descend on a slope, so not much correction is necessary, and becomes approx 50% of say, 2000 AGL wind when you are at the rwy

    Although I never tried the smoothing + taxi wind combination. It might help with landings by not letting the fsuipc to set 1 kts wind immediatelly upon a touchdown . Or will it not ?

    However, all the other problems, like the headwind on taxi and the landing/takeoff distances will not be solved



  9. Hello Pete, everyone

    I have an idea on how to extend the "automated taxi wind" option of the fsuipc, to get rid of the problem with the airplane slips aside from the centerline on touchdown, because of the Xwind correction like the "low wing" or "crabbing", which kept the airplane properly aligned with the rwy centerline on approach, suddenly becomes unnucessary due to the new 1kts ground wind

    The idea is to make the XWind velocity dependant upon the GS of the airplane, as described below.


    1. Split the ATIS wind for the given airfield into the Xwind and HeadWind components

    2. k=min (abs(GS) / max (min ((Airplane gross weight)/20000,1.5),1) - 20, 30) /30;

    from 0 to 20kts gs : effective Xwind = 0;

    >20kts gs : effective Xwind = (Actual XWind) * k;

    Effective HeadWind = Actual Head Wind; // no changes for the head/tail w.

    3. Construct the effective wind from the effective XWind and HeadWind and apply it to the msfs


    where the Actual wind - is the "ATIS" wind for the given field,

    Effective wind - is the one we apply to the airplane

    The (2) expression will smoothly increase the effective Xwind on takeoff roll to the full extend , which will depend upon the aircraft weight- to simulate the sidewind affecting the heavier ACs less. For the heaviest planes the wind reduction GS will begin at 75 kts, for the light plane it will be 50 kts

    P.S. Although the exact multipliers might be not 100% correct for every type of plane, I believe this method should be able so simulate the wind effect more realistically. Especially on approach and flare.

    What do you think ?

    Thanks a lot !


    Oleksiy Frolov

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