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Everything posted by WebMaximus

  1. Today I had one of my first OOM crashes ever after trying to fly with the autogen slider to the far right. I did hear the warning sound but I never managed to free up some memory in time before I got the OOM crash. After this incident I thought I would try to use the monitor feature in FSUIPC where I can see the currently available memory in the FSX title bar. I think I got it working, just want to confirm I did it the correct way. I checked I want the value displayed to the FSX title bar and I entered 024C in the first available Offset box and I then chose S32 as type. Does it matter if I use S32 or U32? At least they both show the same value so I guess not...? This gives me the below info, would this mean I have approx 1.3 GB memory available? And when this value goes below 300000 you're in danger facing an OOM crash, right?
  2. Hi Bob, Thank you for your interest in my issue. I'm on Windows 7 x64 and I've mainly seen the problem when I haven't used the yoke for a while like when sitting at the gate between two legs or during cruise on autopilot. When I think about it I don't think I've ever seen the problem while actually using the yoke so in that regard it feels more like some kind of timeout problem rather than a connection issue. However if it indeed would be a timeout problem it's strange I don't always see the problem after x amount of time. I will do some flying today again and see what happens. Like I posted above it almost felt for a while like the problem was solved after I did that cleanup of old USB devices when I was able to complete a number of flights without any problems. So...I'll keep my fingers crossed that last 'disconnect' I had was a one-time-only type of issue.
  3. Thanks Bob but I already checked that and it's set to 'Disabled'. I thought I had the problem fixed by using the clean-up tool I mentioned above but yesterday I had the same problem again and this was when using the latest version of FSUIPC Pete mentions above but still the only way I could fix the problem was to go into FSUIPC and then close it again.
  4. Thanks a lot Pete for looking into this and trying to find a good work-around, it was something like this I was hoping might be possible to do so great you found a smart way doing it. During all my years in this community I've always found it very impressive how some people and you are most definitely one of them continue to give to the community in an endless strive trying to make things better and you really deserve a golden star for it Pete! Back to this issue and it might be too soon to say for sure but it seems I managed to fix the issue by doing what I wrote above, clean up my USB devices getting rid of lots of old devices. Since doing that I haven't had one single problem with the yoke. For anyone else with similar problems who would like to try the same thing I did you can find the freeware utility I used here -> http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html
  5. Hi again Pete, Maybe you're right I have a general USB issue, however the issue I've described here is the only USB problem I've seen so whatever the USB issue is it must be minor since it only will affect the yoke inside FSX. After writing my last post I found another utility where I could list all USB devices that ever was connected so to clean things up I removed all devices listed that currently were not connected hoping this might fix the problem. Regarding the assignment of the POV button you're correct this is the only button I'm sure isn't affected by the problem. However before I had all buttons and axises assigned via FSX and never saw this problem.
  6. Hi Pete, Not sure if you saw my last post before this one? Yesterday I had the problem again when FSUIPC lost connection with the yoke and while the USB logging utility was running and no disconnects/connects had been recorded so the way I see it it must be something else happening. I'm already using Joy letters but despite this I had a problem once when all my assignments got lost. Luckily I was able to manually fix it by editing the fsuipc.ini file where I found the old GUIDs and I then did some copy/paste to fix it but maybe I did something wrong setting the Joy letters up in the first place if you say FSUIPC should be able to fix ths all by itself with no user intervention. I see what you mean by having FSUIPC scanning for the devices all the time. Reason I have left the POV button assignment to FSX is I wasn't able to get the same smooth operation of this button when I tried setting it up via FSUIPC compared to have it assigned in FSX. Maybe I'll try to change USB port and if that will mess up my assignments I guess I'll just have to deal with that but I'm not very confident changing USB ports will make any difference since I already tried the USB connection thoroughly by wiggling the USB cable in the USB port which didn't result in any connection issues so it seems very stable.
  7. OK, just completed a flight from ESSA-EKCH-ESSA and after landing at EKCH on the first leg the a/c was standing with GPU connected for about 20 minutes before I started to prepare for the return leg back to ESSA and when I got back to the a/c the yoke didn't respond again. I then checked the log in the USB log utility I found and installed prior to the flight but nothing was in the log...ie no USB disconnects/connects had been recorded and yet FSUIPC again lost the connection with the yoke for some reason so now I'm really puzzled what exactly is happening here and why...
  8. Hi again Pete, You were fully correct all I have to do when this happens is to go into FSUIPC via the Add-on menu in FSX and then click OK and my yoke is working fine again so that's good. I also found out I was wrong when I said the axises are still working when this happens, they are not. However the hat switch/POV is working when the other buttons and axises are not and the difference is I have the POV switch mapped via FSX and all other buttons and axises via FSUIPC so it appears whatever it is happening FSX is able to cope from this issue automatically where FSUIPC requires me to follow the procedure where I open FSUIPC and then close it again with the OK button. Trying to understand why this happens in the first place I found a small utility that will log all USB events whenever a USB is connected/disconnected. Today I was lucky enough to sit in a cold & dark state in the NGX at the gate when it happened and since there were no other sounds I was able to hear the typical sound you usually hear in Windows when a USB device is connected. However I never heard the similar sound you usually hear when a USB device is disconnected. Anyway after I heard this sound sure enough the yoke was not responding with the exception of the POV button and when I then went into FSUIPC and then closed it again with the OK button the yoke was working fine again. So...at this point my conclusion is that for some reason I can't understand it seems as my yoke for a split second disconnects/reconnects and when this happens FSUIPC will not be able to pick it up again without me starting FSUIPC and then close it again but FSX manages to pick it up by itself and that's why the POV button continues to work even after this has happened. When I think about it I started having this issue after I decided to fully abandon the control setup in FSX and do everything via FSUIPC instead. Will let the USB logging utility I found be running for some time so I can actually see what is happening and have "proof" that it actually is my yoke that disconnects/reconnects by itself. Then I guess next step is trying to find out why this happens...if it's a software or hardware issue. I haven't tried changing USB port yet since I'm a bit afraid that will mess up all my assignments I did for the buttons on the yoke but I don't think there's a problem with the USB port of the cable because I tried pushing the USB connector at the end of the cable from the yoke in all possible directions when it still was plugged in trying to force a disconnect it the contact was poor but nothing happened...it stayed connected just fine. If I*m not able to find what is causing this is there any way to have FSUIPC poll the connected devices in the same way FSX seems to be doing this since the POV button never is affected by this problem or do you have any other suggestions I could try? It's very frustrating when this happens in-flight and especially when it happens at a bad time like when you're on short final and speaking to online ATC...
  9. Hi Pete and thanks for your reply and input! Sorry for my late getting back to you, thought I chose to be notified via email when there's an answer but never received any email so maybe it didn't stick. Anyway I checked the power management for my USB hubs and they all have power management disabled, I was already pretty sure this was the case since I'm well aware of this being a very common cause of all kinds of problems if you don't disable power management for them. So...must be something else causing this. I'm not 100% sure but if my memory servers when this happens I think the axises of the yoke still work, it's only the buttons that stop working and should the problem have been caused by the yoke going into some kind of sleep mode I guess the axises wouldn't work either? Will do some more flying and verify this next time and will also try to reconnect the yoke or maybe even change USB port just to make sure I don't have a connection problem causing this.
  10. I'm using FSUIPC for both axis and buttons assignment for my CH Yoke, CH pedals and Saitek TQ and from time to time my assigned buttons on the CH Yoke stop working and I then have to go to the FSUIPC menu, go to the Buttons + Switches tab and then click a button on my CH Yoke. This is always recognized and after this all buttons work just fine again until it happens next time. Is this a known issue or did I miss something at my end in setting everything up...? TIA,
  11. OK, thanks Peter - what you say makes sense.
  12. Sorry to wake up and old thread here but I found this one very interesting. I just learned about that Windows "dong" sound I've been wondering where it came from and what triggers it until someone told me in another forum it's FSUIPC warning you you're getting close to an OOM error. Then after reading through this thread and in particular what you're saying about removing stuff you don't use to save memory and resources for stuff you do use that made me start thinking maybe there are some things in FSX I could remove/disable as well. I don't use My Traffic since I do all my flying online on IVAO but maybe there are other things I could remove that would have a similar effect freeing up resources for FSX. I have a rather powerful FSX rig and I seldom have problems and my overall performance is very good but sometimes I still get problems like with the newly released Mega Airport Helsinki by Aerosoft which has given me some OOM errors. I'm thinking that since I do all my flying to only a limited number of specific airports maybe I could free some FSX resources for flying to these airport/areas by removing/disabling airports/areas where I never fly...would that be possible and would it have a positive effect on FSX's resources/performance?
  13. Hi everyone! Asked about this in another forum but haven't got it to work yet. What I would like if possible is to map a key on my CH Yoke to the transponder switch in the PMDG NGX since that switch in the v/c is always a little bit hard to move with the mouse pointer when you're about to enter/exit the runway and often are in a hurry. I have the registered version of FSUIPC, would I be able to accomplish this directly using FSUIPC or do I also need this LINDA software? Thanks in advance for any help on how to set this up if possible.
  14. Unfortunately I haven't found any time doing some serious testing by flying with v 3.719. However I started FS and just left it by itself for a couple of hours and that went OK and FS was still running when I got back to the PC, before it most of the times terminated by itself within maybe 15 mins of so and sometimes even faster.
  15. I have CH Manager v 3.60 installed...forgot to mention that in my previous post.
  16. That's right, I'm using Win XP SP2 fully patched. Well...hope you'll find the problem eventually whatever it might be!
  17. I'm sorry to hear that Pete, this is really a strange and annoying problem! My guess since we're a bunch of guys having this very same problem but still not all of us is that it's a combination of FSUIPC v 3.71 and - another program - a specific hardware combination These are the programs I'm using (part from FS9 of course ;-) ) GE Pro II Ultimate Terrain Europe FS Genesis World wide Mesh MyWorld2004 Landclass ASv6 Ultimate Traffic ActiveCamera FSRealTime FSNavigator Autower FSPassengers And my HW setup below ASUS P5W DH Deluxe motherboard Intel Core2 Duo E6600 2 GB Corsair Extreme RAM 2 x SATA Raid0 Arrays a 300 GB ASUS EAX 1900XTX 512 MB SB Audigy 2 ZS Realtek High Definition Audio Hope this can be of some help! Best, Richard
  18. Pete, Did a test tonight and though I would share the result with you to try helping you narrowing down what's causing these CTDs. Come to think of today I haven't checked for new versions of my display drivers for some time. Checked ATI's website and noticed there was a new version of the official Catalyst drivers so I downloaded and installed them...went from installation package 6-8_xp-2k_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_35179 -> 7-1_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_40211. After the upgrade of the display drivers I though I would give FSUIPC v 3.71 another try but...after loading FS it vanished by itself after approx 1 minute and I was back at my desktop... I then went back to v 3.70 and FS is running just fine so I guess you can rule out the display drivers beeing the culprit. Best, Richard
  19. I am still trying to make 3.717 crash -- I managed to get one CTD with 3.715 using LeeWang's suggestions, but I can't so far make any CTDs occur at all, on one ATI-equipped PC nor two nVidia ones. It's a puzzle. It must be sorted -- I cannot support 3.70. Pete Let me know if you think I can be of any more help Pete. //Richard
  20. Hi Pete, Sorry for not posting here until now. I was the one starting the thread over at AVSIM and since I got this tip from Lee going back to v 3.70 of FSUIPC I haven't had a single CTD. As for the GFX card I'm using an ATI X1900 XTX. All the best, Richard (WebMaximus)
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