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About compilot

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Montreal, Quebec CANADA
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  1. That did it Pete! It works perfectly! All is well again..... Thanks Nick P.
  2. I knew you could do it Pete! I'll be waiting to test the new version as soon as I see it. Cheers! Nick P.
  3. Hi Peter, In my last post I uploaded a ZIP file with both Portmon logs and the entire FSUIPC.ini file. Cheers! Nick P.
  4. Hi Peter, That is funny indeed... I know how it feels when you know that it shouldn't be, yet it is.... I've used Portmon to gather the results from simply swapping the FSUIPC.DLL from v4.12 to 4.152. It looks like the Word Length is different between the 2 versions: from 8 to 7 for whatever reason. I hope that helps! Good luck! Nick P. GPSOutBug.zip
  5. Hi Peter, I'm using GPSout with my Garmin 196 and Garmin 296 (COM1, 9600, 1000, AV400). These work very well up to v4.12. Immediately after updating FSUIPC from 4.12 to 4.152, GPSout no longer works. However, if I re-install the 4.12 DLL, it once again works perfectly. I know that there is data being sent since I connected my RS232 tester. The speed looks good but I can't measure it. The .INI corresponds to the settings displayed in the FSUIPC dialog box. Any suggestions? Best regards, Nick P.
  6. Thanks for the hints Pete. I've managed to pinpoint the problem. It was as simple as pushing the ON/OFF button on COM1! By pure chance, I've never encountered this before despite having played with the buttons many times!
  7. I'm using the PFC Cirrus II and Avionics stack with MSFS v9.1. I've installed FSUIPC v353 and PFC v1921. Everything works well except that COM1 and COM2 are switched when controlled within MSFS. That is to say, if I change COM1 in MSFS, COM2 is changed on the avionics stack. Similarly, COM1 on the stack changes COM2 on the screen. I've looked through the options, but can't find the reason. Any clues why? Thank you for your kind attention.
  8. Sorry for the mixup in description. I'll try to be clearer in the future. I agree that diasabling COM1 might do it. I'll have to try that a little later. Thanks
  9. As I mentioned in my post, I had connected my Real GPS (a G196) to COM1. I used the cable that comes with the GPS. That works perfectly! The Lowrance emulator has no docs other than the actual manual. I guess that I'll have to search some more. Thanks just the same.
  10. Thanks for quick reply Pete. I have read several posts. Maybe not all. I have already managed to run my Real Garmin GPS from one PC via WideClient. The Real GPS accepts the data from the PC's COM port. In this case I set WideClient to COM1. However, I've just been experimenting with the Lowrance Emulator on the same non-MSFS PC with WideClient. The emulator is not receiving data. I set WideClient's INI to COM1 which failed. I then installed the COM emulator and setup COM11 & COM12. I then changed WideCLient INI to send the data to COM11, which also failed to get a response from the emulator. Now I'm asking for suggestions.
  11. Just read the posts.... That's excellent info! I would like to know I can have MSFS on one PC, and the emulator work on another PC. Will the COM emulator included in GPSOUT work? If so, how do I set it up? Does the Lowrance emulator expect data from a COM port? Is so which one and can it be changed?
  12. Thanks Pete.... I'll post a message as soon as soon as the WideView Forum is back on line.
  13. I'm using FSIP (FS Instructor's Panel - http://www.fsip200x.com/) with WideFS and WideView. This software allows me to change the Weather as well as many other parameters. When I change the weather, only the server's weather changes. The WideView clients do not change. I tried to send the "Update Remote Weather" command from the WideView server, but it doesn't change. I'm forced to change weather on the server from the MSFS menu. Then I can use the WideView to update the remote clients. Is there something that can be done to get the weather updated to all the WideView clients connected in the network? Do I need to install WideFS on all the PC's?
  14. Thanks Pete..... As always... excellent job! Cheers!
  15. Thanks again Peter... I'll check it out as soon as possible. One other point, I did as you said and pressed the "Predefined Set" button. That caused the drop-down list to restore itself to the same one as the Jet. The "Carb Heat/Anti-Ice" selection appeared for the Prop! I'll try to figure out a pattern if possible. Best regards...
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