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Everything posted by ETB767

  1. MCP747 is currently supporting LDS 767 and .dll is provided with LDS to interface with FS9. In the MCP software, there is a dialog window which shows FSUIPC and EFIS communications (you will need to download the latest MCP.exe software to see what I am talking about). Well anyway, I assumed that it used FSUIPC to send input data to FS9 and thought it could do it over LAN, just the same. I guess I am wrong and this is not possible at all. I wish there was some way to get that sofware to run via LAN. The reson why I am running the software on a diffrent PC is because it does impact the FPS and also uses processing power when sending data through EFIS and it slowing down my FS9 which is allready at 100% CPU usage.
  2. :( Where did you go? I hope you haven't went to sleep as I know it's very late there, but I am in desperate need of this key. Thank you again.
  3. I have emailed you. Thank you so much for the prompt reply.
  4. I completely understand and that was not what I had in mind (hacking 8) ) but that is precisely my point. I don't want to put lights gauges on my window views. I do appreciate any assistance from you, though, once I convince them to post the control assignments.
  5. This is my original post @ Flight1 and I was told that you might be able to help Mr Dowson. Here's a pic of my Sim.
  6. Every time I undock my atc text box and move it to a secondary monitor for permanent placement , it disdappears to original docked position when reloaded. Can't we get FS2004 ATC text to appear on AdvDisp box. C'mon. :cry: I know you have said in the past that this is a 'diffrent subject', but a man with your talents has surely figure this one out by now. My advdisp screen sits ever so pretty in my Eicas LCD on my sim and boy what I wouldn't do to have ATC appear in that same window. It's frsutrating having to redock and move ATC box everytime. P.S. Is it possible to use ATC box has a gauge to implement in to a Panel transparentley? Thank you Peter. Harry registered FSUIPC user since 2000
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