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About CPC900

  • Birthday 08/30/1968

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  1. Pete, just a quick question. I have had widefs lose the connection to my client computer, and won't reconnect. It only happens every so often. My question is that if I use the hotkey "RestartHotKey=78,11" setting listed in the documentation in the .ini........this should kickstart it back on?! I assume that it will, I just wanted to confirm. I couldn't find this confirmed in the forum. That is the most simple fix for this is my guess. Like I said, it only happens the odd time. Thanks. Bruce
  2. Thanks for looking into it Pete......you're the best!!! Bruce
  3. No luck Pete. It can be locked or docked for a second, but once you look left , right etc. away from the main cockpit view, ADVDisplay disapears behind the upper panel. If I never looked away from the main view, I suppose it would stay, but that isn't very fun, is it?! :) So for now, I just lock/dock it to the main panel. I wish there was some setting to keep that window ON TOP....like in an .ini or .cfg file or something. Bruce
  4. Not quite the same topic Pete...but, I use two monitors, and have the upper panel of my aircraft docked to the second monitor. I want ADVDisplay to be docked to my second monitor over top my upper panel, but it never is able to stay on top. It disapears behind the panel. Is there a way to force ADVDispaly to stay on top. It obviously works 100% on my main monitor however, but I would prefer to dock it elsewhere. Keep in mind, whether I dock it or just drag it to the second monitor and leave it undocked, it still inevitably goes AWOL behind the panel. Any help would be appreciated. Bruce
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