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About vercellino_marco

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi I'm working with MSFS 2004 and I'like to know something more about thr following offsets: 0578 = Pitch angle in degrees 057C = Bank angle in degrees Can I use them to indicate the attitude of the aircraft with respect to an Earth - fixed - inertial reference frame? Thank you for your time Marco Vercellino
  2. Hi, I'm working with Flight Simulator 2004 and I'd like to know a little more about the following offsets: 2EE8=Flight Director pitch value( in degrees ) 2EF0=Flight Director bank value( in degrees ) 2F70= Attitude indicator pitch value ( in degrees) 2F78=Attitude indicator bank value ( in degrees ) What this offsets mean? Can I use some of them to indicate the attitude of the aircraft with respect to an Earth - inertial reference frame? Thank you, Marco
  3. Hi, I'm working with Flight Simulator 2004 and I've installed on my computer a registered copy of FSUIPC ver. I need the offsets of the Euler - Angles ( Psi, Theta and Phi) i.e. the angles which give the attitude of the aircraft with respect to the Earth - fixed reference frame. thank you for your time, Marco :?:
  4. Hi, I'm working with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, and I've installed on my computer a registered copy of FSUIPC ver and FSInterrogate.exe ver 1.08. My need is to know the values of X - Y - Z accelerations ( offset: 3060 - 3068 - 3070) and Pitch - Roll - Yaw accelerations ( offset: 3078 - 3080 -3088). I've already read the "Guide for Programmers".doc... Can I read these offsets flying with Flight Simulator 2004 or I have to use Flight Simulator 2002? Thank you for your time :?:
  5. Hi, As I have explained in my previous topics my need is to transfer data in real time from Flight Simulator 2004 to Matlab/Simulink. I know that there's a software called MFSUIPC ( Matlab - Flight Simulator Universal Inter Process Communication ) that can help me in my project. Where can I download this software? Thank you for your time, Marco :?:
  6. Hi Pete, Now the problem is getting more complicated! Do you think it's possible to get the results from FSInterrogate.exe and transfer them in real time to Matlab/Simulink? I know that FSinterrogate can export the results..but I need to transfer this results ( in my case accelerations ax-ay-az) to a model in Matlab Simulink in real time, not in fixed values. I need that my Simulink model acquire this variable accelerations directly from FSinterrogate. Thank you for your suggestions :?:
  7. Hi Pete, Sorry for the double topic, it was an error of mine! When I see all ZEROS in FSinterrogate.exe, I'm looking at the following offsets: 3060 - 3068 - 3070 - 3078 - 3080 - 3088. What could be the problem? :?:
  8. Hi, I've installed FSUIPC.dll version and FSInterrogate.exe version 1.08 on my computer... well, when I'm flying with MS Flight Simulator 2004 and I check the variables in FSinterrogate.exe they are all ZERO! What could be the problem??? Thank you Marco. :?:
  9. Hi, I've installed FSUIPC.dll (version and FSinterrogate.exe version 1.08 on my computer...Well, when I'm flying with Flight Simulator 2004 and I try to check the values of accelerations on x-y-z axis with FSinterrogate.exe, they are all ZERO! What could be the problem??? Thank you for your time :?:
  10. Dear Peter, I have only FSUIPC.dll ver Where can i find FSUIPC.SDK with FSInterrogate.exe? Where can I download it freeware or not? Thank you, Marco :?:
  11. Hi Pete, I've installed FSUIPC.dll version in the modules - folder of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, but I don't know how to activate FSInterrogate.exe. Thank you for your time. :?:
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