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Posts posted by LT82

  1. Quote:

    In that case, couldn't you do without ICS and just have the Modem connected to the PC running Squawkbox? You could also firewall and virus check on that PC. without internet access on all the others they should be safe.


    that was the original idea getting internet and antivirus off the FLight sim server so it went to this secondary computer

    Squawkbox was to run on the laptop for voice communication. the laptop which still moves around with me not yet dedicated to this home cockpit therfore wanted to keep the internet origin on the secondary computer. I guess I could run Internet access off the server , flight sim and widefs all off one computer but then we get back to loading up the server.


    Since you have IPX/SPX up and running everywhere, why aren't you using that for WideFS? It is much more efficient -- less load on the Network, less interference with anything else. Have you tried it?


    Can I run Wifefs and Wideview simultaneously over IPX? and will traffic over IPX slow network down?That was why I thought to Split Wideview over IPX and Widefs over TCP/IP

    I will attempt tonight IPX when I get home tonight and let you know

    Have not heard from Katy Pluta ,I tried messaging her ,could you maybe send her a message on my behalf to read over my dilemma and maybe she can help , As I am an ex-pilot and not a computer or network expert ny any means.


    and will let you know how the IPX works



  2. Dear Pete

    First thanks for answering

    Second : How do I reply to your questions and have your post included in my repy so I don't have to jump up and down the page all the time ???

    Ok here goes

    >>>you wrote

    How are the other PCs getting their internet connection? Are you using Windows "ICS" (Internet Connection Service)

    LAN is a switch hub onlyno router, 100 Mps individual IP addreses for computers

    I orognanally connected the computers and ran Interent connection wizard on each computer .

    selected the option for

    this computer connects to the internet through another computer or Lan ((or something to that effect)

    computer gets busty for a while and voila I had an internet avaiable on all computers.

    you wrote>>>

    Is it the same if you try it the other way round -- i.e. get WideFS going before enabling the Internet connection on the other PC?

    this system is a home cockpit so its only purpose in life is to run FS9 currently five computers and seven screens. windows XP cleaned and minimal servces running. ie no messenger, no printer , no update service no restore etc. trying to get the most to run FS9.

    OK lets reverse as you state above

    SO I have my FS9 server running (my fastest computer ) start FS9.

    second computer (with internet connection) is shutdown also all wideview clients shutdown .

    crank up laptop start widefs

    Good easy quick WideFS connection

    but then I start up Second Computer and do not run FS9 on it only start internet connection. theoretically to get an internet connection avaialble to network so squawkbox on laptop could access internet .

    result is internets available only on second computer .networked computers see each other and can access share file directories etc.

    with widefs connected.

    if I then run start internent explorer or Firefox on Server showing widefs connected or on laptop ,widefs client connected they search and reply is intennet not available ...

    up to this point I haven;t even started or attempted to run wideview ( I do not think that that should be an issue as on purpose I run Wideview on IPX protocol and Widefs and internet are on TCP/IP but I never expected this conflict.between internet and widefs.

    you wrote>>

    Also check all the settings on each Ethernet device. You don't really want auto-negotiation of anything, as that takes extra time on every exchange. Set the mode to the fastest common speed, full duplex, on all.

    I have individual IP addresses as per your instructions 192.168.0.nn

    1 through 16)

    but how do get to ethernet devices settings I tried through Hardware device manager and did not see auto negotiation mode .


    last it has occured to me that when

    widefsINI client is correctly set with servername "Server"

    and on Server the widefs ini shows

    Clientname appears correctly as" Laptop"

    but there is no reference for where to look for the internet connection

    and maybe widefs assumes internet to be on servername "server"and is looking for it to be there .

    is it possible to set an widefs.ini parameter as

    servername "SERVER"

    internet servername " internet computer" (this case my second computer)

    to look for internet at its correct location


    Pete thanks for listening ,also thanks for developing such great tools to make the Flight sim world something Microsoft never thought it would become and providing so much fun for the rest of us.



  3. tried posting this on Fs2004 forum but was advised to post here ....

    Please advise :

    I have a Home Cockpit with

    Main System is P4 3.4GHZ , Windows XP SP2 as FLight sim with wideview (under IPX) dedicated as server. wired network

    4 client computer running win xp SP1 as wideview Clients

    I put my DSL internet connection via USB modem on one of my wideview Clients to keep the overhead on the main Flight sim computer as clean as possible.

    system is stable and up to this point everything is fine, internet connection is available on all systems all computers see each other on the network.

    laptop with widefs client is off .

    The issue is I am attempting to install Squawkbox 3 and Widefs on a seperate laptop (no flight sim program) to run in this cockpit.under TCP/IP

    So I install widefs in server mode on main server

    and have added widefs client mode on centrino laptop (capable of Wired and wireless) to the network.

    if I keep the computer client that has the USB Alcatel (Bellsouth)modem DSL internet connection totally off , Widefs on server connects to laptop just fine ,both show connected. (but obviously no internet connection available to Squawkbox as secondary computer wideview client with internet is off.

    now if I turn on the Client with the internet connection on then try to run Widefs on laptop

    I get a message in widefs "waiting for connection" on server and laptop.

    and widefs stays in waiting for connection mode.

    and I am not able to connect to internet on other computers over the LAN

    even though internet is available on local client machine (non widefs)

    and all the computers on the network see each other.in network connections

    Firewall off , File sharing enabled both on Flightsim directory and squawkbox (Widefs)directory on laptop.

    how do I get widefs on laptop to connect the the Flight sim server and get access to the internet originating on the other wideview client computer?

    I hope I explained this clearly enough.


    Allan "Seahawk"

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