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Sherman Kaplan

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Everything posted by Sherman Kaplan

  1. Thanks for the help. I am getting this sorted out thanks to a friend who is working with me via TeamView... Sherm
  2. Greetings, I have the following problem which affects use of my rudder P3D appears to be confusing my control systems. For example, if I set Engine Auto Start on my throttle box using Button 1, that Button is also triggered on the yoke... In other words, as noted above, the program is not distinguishing between separate control units, even though each pedals, yoke and throttle quadrant are clearly identified and numbered in the controller menu under the Options category. In a possibly related problem, I have irregular rudder control. The rudder will perform left and right steering actions properly on some aircraft, but not on others. I have tried finding a solution, on the P3D forum where the suggestion was made to bring my issue here. Thanks for any help. Sherm
  3. I am not the expert on FSUIPC, but my understanding is that controllers should always be disabled within the FSX options menu Sherm
  4. Thank, Pete....I got this one straightened out. It had to do with a conflict between sim settings and FSuiPC. Sherm
  5. Thanks, Pete. I will try your suggestions the next time I boot FSX...btw, please allow me to join those who have already expressed appreciation for the work you do on behalf of our hobby. You are one of the Bright Lights of the FS World. Sherm
  6. Hi everyone.... A few days ago, I noticed that the GPS would pop up when I used the hat switch to pan around the cockpit, or even on exterior view. I know I must have changed a setting somewhere, but I do not recall anything which would explain this strange behavior. To be more specific, If a pan slightly to the left (never the right) the GPS pops up on the left side of the screen. But, if i continue the pan beyond Point X (where the gps pops up) it disappears. I have looked at my fsuipc settings but have not seen anything unusual, at least as far as I can tell. I hope someone can give me an idea about how to get back to normal hat switch behavior. This is very annoying. Thanks Sherm
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