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About DJJose

  • Birthday March 14

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    CFII, Flight Simming, DJing

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  1. On my second post I wrote: "When I bought the H-Jet I fell in love with it. I don't fly anything else right now because I enjoy it so much." 😀
  2. I tried, but it did not work. The rotary not binding with the AP Alt is caused by the H-Jet. In an upcoming update it will be fixed by the developer. Best regards.
  3. John, What is this "fsuipc-lvar-module" for? Does it need to be in my community folder?
  4. There's an FLC button for flight level change. This one should be an easy one for me to map. What name should I be choosing from the drop down menu?
  5. Thank you so much for your help. I will update to the latest version immediately. I'm glad that the video I posted is one that you have not seen. It's good to know if anyone is spreading disinformation. Best regards, Jose
  6. Hi John, Thank you for the prompt response. For the last two years I was using FSUIPC7 to only control my GoFlight LGT. I'm still using the FSUIPC version of a year ago because it has worked since day one without any issues. When I bought the H-Jet I fell in love with it. I don't fly anything else right now because I enjoy it so much. I got tired of tuning the altitude and speed knobs with the mouse, so I decided to try and use my GoFlight RP48 for knob rotation. I did a little research and found out that if install FSX I can then use the GoFlight Software to control the GoFlight Modules and they will even light up as illustrated by this video: I installed FSX and to my surprise, the modules work with the GoFlight software and even light up when I load MSFS. Most of my assignments work, except the ALT selector & the VSI. I rotate the ALT knob, but the altitude does not change. The airspeed knob works, heading bug, and VOR, but no the ALT knob. So I'm hoping that I could use FSUIPC to fix the ALT or VSI knobs that are not responding. I'd like to do both. Rotate a know to select an altitude & rotate a knob to selct a rate of climb or decent. It might not work with the RP48 & MSFS, but I'm willing to give it a shot. For the alt knob, when I turn it counterclockwise I get two numbers. Same for the right. Let's say 14 & 15. Which one is for slow rotation and which one should I assign for fast rotation? Example: Slow counterclockwise rotation yields a number 14. Assign to FS Control then from the drop down menu choose "Ap Alt Var Dec." Do I add a parameter? Do I also do this for the bottom? After the 25 minute mark, this video is an example of what I'd like to do: I'm only posting this to help others who might want to do what I'm trying to do. Thanks.
  7. John, I decided to try to use my GF RP48 to control the AP on my jets. Can you share with me how to set up a rotary button to rotate the altitude? There appears to be 4 buttons. Two to the left and two to the right. (Clockwise & Counterclockwise) Thanks. Jose
  8. Issue resolved. I had to install vc libraries.
  9. I decided to do a full install of OS and now my FSUIPC will not run. Error VCRUNTIME140_1.dll not found. Neither the latest version or back up are loading. Thanks for the help.
  10. DJJose

    Bought it!

    After installing the latest download from the forum, I entered reg info, but inside the folder the key and offset status file were missing. Thankfully I had a backup of the folder. The installer did install FSUIPC in the docs folder with all the .pdf. Since I had to pay full price for this utility (despite being a long term customer) just to get my LGT working, I'm done beta. testing. InstallFSUIPC7.log
  11. DJJose

    Bought it!

    That's exactly what the new installer did. Hence the post. Last free version installer worked perfectly. Installation chose C: drive and only installed FSUIPC folder in C drive and docs in My Docs folder. I'll upload log later. I'm not on my desktop.
  12. DJJose

    Bought it!

    It looks like the beta version conveniently created a folder "FSUIPC7" in my docs folder and put all the .pdf and lua.zip inside. I like that better. I went ahead and deleted the docs folder from the main FSUIPC folder and kept the one on My Docs.
  13. DJJose

    Bought it!

    Since I was not able to post on my locked thread, I decided to start a new thread. Contrary to what was implied, I do need FSUIPC. Without it my GoFlight LGT will not work. So I spent $30 just to get my LGT working. FYI, after installing the payware version, it installed all the pdf and LUA zip in drive C. I created a DOC folder inside FSUIPC and named it DOCS and dropped all .pdf files and LUA inside it. Everything worked as usual. I hope I did not break anything.
  14. It's available now, but I've decided to pass on it. I paid for the FSX version to how my support and there's no discount for long term customers like me. Best of luck.
  15. When will it be available for purchase?
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