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Everything posted by ByteG

  1. Hi, I am writting an application that uses f5.csv to get frequencies. I know that fsx atc uses 124.40 for Vienna Center and 135.275 for Ljubljana center. However I couldn't find 124.40 anywhere in LOXX region and I've found 135.275 under Ljubljana Approach. Furthermore, there is not a single entry in the whole LXXX or EXXX region (Europe) with facility type 10 (centre). Are centres in Europe intentionally left out or just impossible to get from .BGL files? Thank you.
  2. Yes, you are correct. Removing TimeForSelect=0 has fixed the problem. But now I have a problem with another add-on. Actually, I had similar problem with this add-on before but now FSX wants it disabled. Thank you for time. It was no problem for me providing all the logs to fix this. Dejan
  3. Hi again, Pete Dowson, on 11 Jan 2014 - 7:59 PM, said: It was =Yes. Then I've changed it to No and tried again. No difference. I've reset to Yes. Pete Dowson, on 11 Jan 2014 - 7:59 PM, said: I have sent to you both simconnect logs and both FSUIPC4 logs with FSUIPC.ini as well. Pete Dowson, on 11 Jan 2014 - 7:59 PM, said: All combinations Shift+E+1, 2, 3 or 4 open only main exit. I actually never knew whether you should press all 3 buttons together or Shift+E first and then 1. I've always used the following lua script for this: function BG_Doors_set(mask, onoff, str) if str == nil then str = "Door" end local val = ipc.readUB(0x3367) if onoff == 0 then mask = 255 - mask val = logic.And(val, mask) ipc.writeUB(0x3367, val) DspShow(str, "Clsd") else val = logic.Or(val, mask) ipc.writeUB(0x3367, val) DspShow(str, "Open") end end function BG_Doors_toggle_masked(mask, str) if BG_Doors_check_closed(mask) then BG_Doors_set(mask,1,str) else BG_Doors_set(mask,0,str) end end function BG_Doors_1_toggle() BG_Doors_toggle_masked(1, "Dor1") end Dejan
  4. Hi Pete, I have installed the latest file but doesn't correct the problem. I have temporary enabled Shift+E to see if it works directly from FSX and it was ok. But I can't seem to get the same error as before. WRITE0[4248] 66C0, 2 bytes: 6B 00 k. WRITElua 3367, 1 bytes: 01 . VRI com3 <--- DSP0Dor1 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1Open [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP0 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1 [from Lua Plug-in] WRITE0[4248] 66C0, 2 bytes: C0 00 .. WRITElua 2E80, 2 bytes: 01 00 .. [C] Control: 66293 - 0 TOGGLE_AVIONICS_MASTER VRI com3 <--- DSP0AVIO [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1On [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP0 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1 [from Lua Plug-in] This is from FSUIPC4.INI Debug=Please FSVersionUsed="Microsoft Flight Simulator X",10.0.61637.0 SimConnectUsed=10.0.61259.0 LogWrites=Yes LogEvents=Yes LogExtras=x4 To sum up. 1) It works with fsx controls 2)It works with ipc.write in FSUIPC 4.920 3)It doesn't work with FSUIPC 4.927a-f If something is wrong with SimConnect - why 2 is ok, and 3 is not? I have sent the simconnect.log to your e-mail as well. Dejan
  5. I've found this interesting: Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2457, Index param 4 on TransmitClientEvent, object=0, id=66389 (TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT), data=1 VRI com3 <--- DSP0Dor1 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1Open [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP0 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1 [from Lua Plug-in] WRITE0[5008] 66C0, 2 bytes: 6B 00 k. WRITElua 3367, 1 bytes: 00 . Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2467, Index param 4 on TransmitClientEvent, object=0, id=66389 (TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT), data=1 VRI com3 <--- DSP0Dor1 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1Clsd [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP0 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1 [from Lua Plug-in] WRITE0[5008] 66C0, 2 bytes: 6B 00 k. WRITElua 3367, 1 bytes: 01 This is log when I press avionics key: Memory in use: 1688Mb, Avail=2408Mb VRI com3 <--- DSP0 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1 [from Lua Plug-in] WRITE0[5008] 66C0, 2 bytes: C0 00 .. WRITElua 2E80, 2 bytes: 00 00 .. [C] Control: 66293 - 0 TOGGLE_AVIONICS_MASTER VRI com3 <--- DSP0AVIO [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1Off [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP0 [from Lua Plug-in] VRI com3 <--- DSP1 [from Lua Plug-in] .
  6. Hi, last week I've purchased Hifi's Active Sky Next which requires at least FSUIPC version 4.926 (my version was 4.920). So, I've upgraded FSUIPC to version 4.927. But with the upgrade I've noticed that the aircraft doors (offset 3367) has stopped working, while everything else was still working fine. I am using LINDA and most of the buttons are handled with ipc.write... After downgrading FSUIPC to the previous version the doors were opening again. Thank you, Dejan
  7. Hi, I am using Linda and offset x3367 for opening and closing aircraft doors. However, by installing version 4.927a/e the doors (main or cargo) cannot be opened with this offset anymore. I haven't noticed any other offset to be malfunctioning. Luckily, I still had installation for version 4.92 which is working ok.
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