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Everything posted by Jens82

  1. Well, are there any fs models that do simulate suspension?
  2. I wasn't able to get a bounce, yet :smile:
  3. Hello Pete, my client now checks the on ground flag during landing roll phase and during rollout the rate- and g-force- values of the last touchdown are continously updated. This should give good results and the best values for each touchdown. However, I was not able to force several touchdowns on one landing yet :smile: Greetings, Jens
  4. I was working on this issue yesterday and I think the best way to do it is to have that in the client program. Frozen values wouldn't help if one wants the values for the succeeding bounces. So this highly depends on what the client programmer wants to achieve. I am thinking about solving that with a combination of the on ground flag to "count" the bounces and try to get the values for each bounce: - ON GND set -> Get the values of rate and g force on touchdown as long as landing has finished or ON GND is not set anymore. - ON GND set again -> Touchdown values will be overwritten, so get the values until landing has finished or ON GND is not set anymore. And so on... As, as you have stated before, the on gnd flags and touchdown values get updated async, there will be a small error (in case time between two readouts is too large to cover the changes) but I think this will work for my program. It reads all the values I need about 8-10 times a second, which works pretty nice without a significant performance hit.
  5. Ok, I just wanted to confirm that. Thanks. Thanks :smile: Well, in case of a bounce, on ground will switch back to "air" and therefore the values of g-force and vertical speed at touchdown will be overwritten at next touchdown. I was wondering about a way to ignore those bounces.
  6. One more question: How can I get the vertical speed and g force of the first touchdown?
  7. Hello Pete, thanks for the reply. So, the "true" g force at touchdown is the value of 11B8 several seconds after touchdown? I mean, if I read the value at a later point (for example when the runway is left after landing) the value of 11B8 will be the correct one? Does 030C (vertical speed at touchdown) behave the same way? Greetings, Jens
  8. Hello Mr. Dowson, I am currently facing a problem with the flight recording software I am currently developing. According FSUIPC4 Offset Status.pdf the offset 0x11B8 is a copy of 0x11BA on touchdown. Some users reported that they have a value of less than 1.0g at the same time the on ground flag changes to 'on ground', which is not possible in real life as a touchdown is a positive acceleration (and therefore greater than 1.0g). I checked the saved flight recordings and 11BA provides a value of about 0.96g (times 624 for the raw value) in 0x11BA so 0x11B8 is the same on the time the on ground flag changes. The next time values are read the value in 0x11BA is at about 1.59g, which is a realistic value. Maybe you could check if you find any problems here or can provide any support or information on this issue? Thanks in advance & Greetings, Jens
  9. Hello Pete, thanks for the answer. I thought you might have just not seen the thread. I am still on my investigations about the issue right now, however for the next few days I won't have a flight simulator available to do more tests. As far as I know right now there are several offsets that don't change during a replay (for example flight simulator coordinates) where others do. I'll check in more detail and post it here. Maybe it's possible for us, to develop an indirect way of detecting instant replay in FSX. Greetings, Jens
  10. Hello Pete, may I draw your attention on this? Any idea? Greetings, Jens
  11. Btw: I just learned reading several posts in different forums that a 'direct' detection of the instant replay mode in FSX is impossible. However, I am happy about any suggestions regarding a work around for this like using other variables?
  12. Hello Paul, thanks for the info and the confirmation. My software is freeware for members of the virtual airline so there shouldn't be any problem here. Greetings, Jens
  13. Hello Pete, first of all, sorry for opening another thread but as it is a new topic I'd like to seperate it from my other question. Is there any reliable way to detect instant replay in FSX? The flags at 0x0628 and 0x062C do not work and have incorrect values as far as I can see it and I don't know any other addresses. However, I managed to find out that some "flight" values are not updated in instant replay mode like speeds or coordinates so I could use them to detect instant replay but that would be some kind of a 'dirty' solution. Any ideas here? Thanks again & greetings, Jens
  14. Hello Pete (or someone else who might have an idea), I am currently developing a flight recording program for our virtual airline to replace an older flight recording program. According to my information I got from the former developer it is necessary for third party programs to register into FSUIPC in order to read values from non-registered FSUIPC versions. The "UIPCHello" example in the C sdk has such a note as well. However, according tests with users using a non-registered FSUIPC version reading values works just fine. I would like to make sure I am going the correct way here and would like to know what do here? Greetings and thanks, Jens
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