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Message for Andrew Kewley. Thank you for your input. Have read the article. Have to say way over my head! Cheers Colin.
Dear Pete, firstly many thanks for putting up with our inadequacies when it comes to computer programming language, it must drive you nuts trying to deal with people who really, just don't understand it all? Over the years we have purchased thousands of pounds worth of computer equipment and untold amounts of software. From FS 2002 to FS 2004 and now FSX we have suitcases full of Scenery and aircraft, most of it redundant now. I think the setup that we have now is as good as it gets. we are running i7 machines with ssd drives and 16gb memory and decent graphic cards. Average frame rates are in the 40 to 50 fps with most settings at max. The London area pushes it a bit harder down to mid twenty's but, that's to be expected. I am using Generation x scenery with all the latest updates and all the latest uk2000 scenery. It is truly stunning. FSUIPC ( have installed the latest version now. Thank you. ) and Widefs work fantastically well combined with the Plan G mapping software on my laptop. In the scheme of things the problem I have is not really a problem more like a minor irritation. Just to reiterate, its only at the London area airports that the wide server doesn't start. If I go to any other airport wide server starts and works perfectly. If I want it to work at London city for example, I just start the sim at an airport where I know it works eg Coningsby. Then I just use the go to airport function and wide server carries on working at London City as it should do. I feel extremely grateful for your time and valuable input and I think I have wasted enough of it. I am happy to live with this as is. Many thanks for producing such a great program it really has given me hours of entertainment and brings the Flight Sim to life. I hope you have a great Holiday. Kind Regards Colin
Hi Pete, are these any good to you ? ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.928 by Pete Dowson ********* Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=6B470000 User Name="colin middleweek" User Addr="catmo@tiscali.co.uk" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WideFS7 Key is provided 16 System time = 12/02/2014 14:12:04 16 FLT UNC path = "\\COLINS-PC\Users\Colin\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 265 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... 312 FS UNC path = "\\COLINS-PC\FSX\" 1404 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 1404 SIM1 Frictions access gained 1404 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed 1404 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok 1404 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 1404 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 4805 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 4805 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 4805 FSUIPC Menu entry added 4836 \\COLINS-PC\Users\Colin\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\coningsby.FLT 4836 \\COLINS-PC\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\beech_baron_58\Beech_Baron_58.AIR 57143 Weather Mode now = Custom 1119729 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 970 secs = 26.1 fps 1131834 \\COLINS-PC\Users\Colin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Previous flight.FLT 1141694 System time = 12/02/2014 14:31:06 1141694 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Average frame rate for running time of 970 secs = 26.1 fps G3D fix: Passes 19984, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0 Memory managed: 4 Allocs, 4 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** ; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details ; ===================================================== [Config] Port=8002 Window=43,44,886,589 Visible=Yes ; ----------------------------------------------- [user] Log=Errors+ ; =============================================== ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.928] ********* Blocksize guide = 8192 (double allowed) Date (dmy): 12/02/14, Time 11:33:38.591: Server name is COLINS-PC 15959 Initialising TCP/IP server 15959 Initialising UDP/IP server 16115 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs 19469 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=9320) TCP 19718 Connected to computer "COLIN-LAPTOP" running WideClient version 6.999 (skt=9320) TCP 2201299 Auto send stopped before sending all data (0 of 47 sent), Error=10013 (IP= UDP 2207960 Close signalled to clients 2209083 Closing down now ... Memory managed: Offset records: 1388 alloc, 1387 free Read buffer usage: 3101 alloc, 3101 free, max in session: 1 Write buffer usage: 187810 alloc, 187810 free, max in session: 1 Throughput maximum achieved: 32 frames/sec, 9165 bytes/sec Throughput average achieved for complete session: 13 frames/sec, 2441 bytes/sec Average receive rate from "COLIN-LAPTOP": 1 frames/sec, 107 bytes/sec ********* Log file closed ********* Regards Colin
Sorry about that, we got it wrong in our attempts to get the info to paste using Google Chrome. We will try again later this afternoon when the Lad gets home from work, Thanks for your patience, Colin.
; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details ; ===================================================== [Config] Port=8002 Window=43,44,886,589 Visible=Yes ; ----------------------------------------------- [user] Log=Errors+ ; =============================================== ; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details ; ================================================== [Config] Port=8002 ; ----------------------------------------------- [user] Log=Errors+ ; =============================================== ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.928] ********* Blocksize guide = 8192 (double allowed) Date (dmy): 11/02/14, Time 16:03:15.577: Server name is COLINS-PC 15835 Initialising TCP/IP server 15835 Initialising UDP/IP server 16131 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs 17098 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=8976) TCP 17176 Connected to computer "COLIN-LAPTOP" running WideClient version 6.999 (skt=8976) TCP ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.928] ********* Blocksize guide = 8192 (double allowed) Date (dmy): 11/02/14, Time 16:03:15.577: Server name is COLINS-PC 15835 Initialising TCP/IP server 15835 Initialising UDP/IP server 16131 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs 17098 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=8976) TCP 17176 Connected to computer "COLIN-LAPTOP" running WideClient version 6.999 (skt=8976) TCP Hi Pete, at last this worked in Google chrome but still not in i.e. 11. the no entry sign did not appear anywhere on ie 11 ?. these files were all copied from the modules folder on the fsx machine. hope this is what you wanted? Regards Colin.
Hi Pete We have tried everything to paste the text into this page. we have highlighted the text the way you have said. we have done it every way we can think of? we do this every day in lots of different situations copying and pasting is like second nature! but every way we try we cannot paste into this window? regards Colin & Simon
Hi Pete, We did exactly as you said and it would not paste into the message. I say we, I am a 81 year old computer idiot and my Son helps me on team viewer. I just love Flight simming, I have all the kit but networking and WideClients and the inner workings etc. dream on. Many thanks Colin.
Hi Pete, many thanks for your reply. I have found the files you want but although I have copied them to the clipboard I cannot paste them into this message? Regards Colin.
Hi can someone help please. I start a flight at Coningsby or any airfield North of the London area and wide fs connects from my laptop to my main pc which has fsx on it no problem at all. I am connected via Ethernet connection. when I start the sim at anywhere in the London area for example at London City, wide fs will not connect at all. It reports waiting for a connection? any ideas Regards Colin.