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Posts posted by scott523

  1. What does this mean exactly? I previously bought London 1, and just recently London 2. Unfortunately, the London Reloaded option was not available.

    London 2.0, I assume, is the same as Reloaded., .. or am I missing something?

    Unfortunately, London2 is not London Reloaded.

    London Reloaded serves all the airports that are available in London1 (EGLL & EGKK) and London2 (EGLC, EGSS, EGGW).

    In my opinion, these sectors shouldn't be fragmented like this. I suppose it's better for those who don't want select airports, but there should be an upgrade fee to London Reloaded for those with London1 or 2.

    Does London 2.0 include any fixes to London 1?, .. as there are a few errors with the sector data, missing waypoint links, incorrect nav points etc..

    I'm assuming you're referring to London Reloaded since London2 has different airports and it's exactly what I've asked a couple days ago. Now that feelThere says "nothing new", I'm beginning to think it's a 'No' on the fixes.


  2. Got the memo on the London reloaded sector. I love Heathrow approach, but what can I expect different from the previous Heathrow? I find the list of features vague and "complex".

    Complex tower commands? Complex simulation? Aircraft following complex instructions? Newly issued FAA commands?

    I've spent a good amount in this simulator so I'm concerned in picking this up then having to modify it. I'm fine minor tweaks here and there but it just adds up. I had to fix all of LHR arrival altitudes and the ridiculous JFK arrival altitudes (who crosses ROBER at 2000ft?). Hours of reading approach plates, observing live and playback traffic to determine the altitudes at fixes the plates don't specify (thanks to FlightRadar24), data input, and TESTING. << feels like this was missed. Also the aircraft speeds were out of place. Not to mention a simple left turn hold is not possible, but I suppose that's a TRACON 2012 limitation.

  3. Several holding patterns in the New York area are non-standard left-turn holds (for real).

    I don't recall marking this as the "best answer" nor do I know how it gets marked but my question is far from being answered.

    I know New York TRACON has several non-standard left turn holding patterns, but the only left turn hold in the controlled sector is at CAMRN.

    Now, again, is there a way to simulate non-standard left holding patterns?

  4. Are there plans/ways to have holding patterns configurable, such as direction and radial?

    Many holds such as the one in London TRACON at Lambourne (LAM) and at least one in NY-N90 TRACON isn't a standard right turn hold. I suppose I could ignore that fact and still manage traffic, but it feels awkward and unrealistic.

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