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Everything posted by yvesamuel

  1. Thank's for the answer. I'll do this. Best regards and stay safe Yves
  2. Hi, I have just installed P3D V5 and the new FUIPC6, registered. As I would not reconfigure my jokes, pedals etc... can I copy and paste this section from the V5 ini file to the V6 ini file. Thank's and have a good evening Stayt safe! Yves from ELLX
  3. That's it. But why then using FSUIPC, it's eaer to add directly to exe.xml. I'll for the future! thnak's Yves
  4. because even if I cannot see the section, the action is done (in that case opusFSI is loaded) Yves
  5. The problem is that the section does not appear anymore in the ini file!
  6. Sorry, but you do not reply to my question : I want to delete the section and not to create. Yves
  7. Hi, I added a program in the run module, but I would desactivate this option. I cannot find any more the [programs]section in FSUIPC.ini Any solution? Thnak's Yves
  8. Thank's for quick answer. Yves
  9. Hi Pete, I would like to be able to see on the status windows menu both 0290 and 024C. If I ask a windws in P3D, I have both in 2 lines, if I ask on top, I have only the first on left side. I did not find in the documentation provided how to have one on teh left side and one in the middle or on the right side of the bar. Thank's best regards Yves
  10. I'll try with pan view. Yves
  11. I'm up to date with the latest patch. The coolie hat works inside the plane, for the 3D panel. But not for outside views. I have a CH Eclipse Regards Yves
  12. Hi, I cannot find out out to program the colie hat in all views, except in the panel view. In FSX I had 24=R2,10,C65734,0 25=R2,13,C65671,0 26=R2,11,C65672,0 27=R2,12,C65735,0 but in P3D it doesn't work. Any idea to help me???? Thank's best regards Yves
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