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Posts posted by Goonch

  1. EXCELLENT...I having been using GPSout for years. It is my favorite utility. It is the reason that I still fly with MS FS.

    I run MS FS on my desktop. I use GPSout to output the GPS signal to my laptop which is running MS Streets & Trips. This way I can see exactly what street/area I am flying over at any given moment.

    The only temporary problem that I encountered was that most moving maps read GPS signals through a serial port connection. This presented a bit of a dilemma for me since my Toshiba laptop, like most brands these days, don't come with serial ports anymore.

    Thanks to Purple computing @ http://www.pfranc.com they solved the problem for me with their USB to serial adapter. There are some other converters out there, but from my research I was able to conclude that most of them would not work in the MS FS world.

    Thanks again Pete... You Rock on !!!

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