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Posts posted by 767300

  1. Hello all, I have a weird problem happening. I am wiring up my yokes. They are real 757 ones. I have all the trim switches, auto pilot disco switch , PTT ,and intercom switches figured out with a volt meter. I programmed my capt side trim switches in FSUIPC "buttons and switches" and are working perfectly. I tried to program the auto pilot disco switch but that switch is normally closed. I went into FSUIPC switches and buttons and pushed the AP disco button and selected Auto pilot off from the drop down menu. selected ok. When I push the AP button nothing happens, however when I push my trim up switch the AP disconnects. Would this be a problem being that the AP switch is normally closed? 

  2. Hello I am now having a new problem. I am now trying to set my ailerons. ALL axis's are deleted in P3d. I have no problem calibrating the ailerons except on the same page when I move them, the Throttle axis moves!!! I allready have my Throttles 1 and 2 set and calibrated. So now When I start a flight my throttles go full when I move my yoke!. Any help would be great.


  3. Hello I am having a hell of a time trying to set the flaps detents. I have P3d v3 and the registered version of fsuipc for that. Under the Axis assignment tab I move my lever and it registers. I set it under axis flaps set. Then I jump to joystick calibration. I see my aircraft type ( leveld 767) and 7 detents. I hit the DT tab per the instruction,but when I move my flaps lever none of the numbers move under the set tabs. I have done this successfully before but I cant remember how. Its driving me nuts. I am using a Leo Bodnar board that is calibrated.


  4. Hello, right now I am running the regular FSX with the acceleration pack, I have a registered version of FSUIPC (I'm not at home so I dont know which version) and I have all my flight controls assigned perfectly. I want to upgrade to the STEAM edition, however will I have to re assign everything if I upgrade to the latest version of FSUIPC for the SE edition? Thanks for time



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