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Everything posted by mcaine

  1. 531 Opening GPSout port Com1, speed=9600 -- OK! You did state Port=ComN rather than just Port=N in your instructions, but for some reason I completely ignored that despite reading it several times! After some poking around I've found only one 'real' com port (attached to the internal modem) though having never used it I'd forgotten it even existed. This is academic now though as WideFS/GPSout are a much more elegant solution, and the fact that it's now working means your programs have no problem with the virtual serial solution. I also noticed that data is flowing more steadily rather than bunching up as you mentioned (I've been using the same virtual driver as you). I'd like to say that the quality of your support is very impressive. Thanks Matt[/code]
  2. Thanks for the fast reply! I like to plan my routes in Flitemap, and I usually convert them to .pln format using an olf FS2002 program, but it's a cumbersome process and the converter is buggy. I had no idea you'd written FStarRC, but it sounds like it'll streamline things a lot, thanks for the heads up! And for the progams...
  3. I don't have the beta's installed currently so I'm going by memory. Simply, WideFS server did connect to the client on the second PC and attempted to activate GPSout. I've just found this in the log: 125 Opening GPSout port 1, speed=19200 -- FAILED! The same settings work using the virtual serial ports mentioned in my previous post. Perhaps the virtual ports are the problem in this case? My laptop doesn't have a real port to test, unless firewire is treated as a com port? I'm not an expert in these things by any stretch so feel free to let me know if you want any further info.
  4. Hi I'd like to be able to send flightplans from Flitemap to the GPS unit in my virtual Cessna. Can this be done with GPSout? I tried most of the supported gps types in Flitemap and quite a few settings on GPSout but had no luck so far. I always get an error about unexpected responses, or if I select a Gsrmin unit then Flitemap says it couldn't obtain model/version info.
  5. I know this is an old topic but I've seen a few people ask the same question while looking for an answer to my own question. The answer always seems to be "no" but I've been doing it for a while now... GPSout can be used on a lan by emulating a pair of com ports. I am using Network Serial Port Kit (trial version, it's very expensive!) and it works like a charm, so I can view Flitemap on my laptop while FS runs on my desktop. I was unable to get the beta GPSout/Widefs combo to work.
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