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About mulletman

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  • Location
    Winslow, England
  • Interests
    Flightsim, duh

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i understand the error now, thankyou for clearing that up. here is a copy of the log file from the new FSUIPC i downloaded, when i load it up. as far as i can see the error comes from the CPT.F16.gau. i am unaware if you have ever come across this before. I presume the key for this was the following: however i am not sure. i am also unsure of where to put this code, as, as i said, i am no gauge or programme writer. i appreciate your time on this matter, and am sorry for being a nuicence. :oops:
  2. forgive me for being short and probably with a very stupid question that has been asked many times. im not an FSUIPC user, nor have i ever lookingd into the gauge, as im not a technical type, i just prefer to get up in the aircraft. First off i must point out thati run FS9.1, with the PMDG 737 (version 1.3) , and updated version of FSUIPC ( to work with FS9.1 the problem comes in that according to ken mitchells 757 panel, when i click on the radar button, to open the TCAS/ radar type thing my FSUIPC is not 'accredited' (see error below) and therefore refuses to run. i thought this was impossible, as i have a lisenced copy of FSUIPC through PMDG, thus, according to them allowing me to use this. no such errors arrive when i open the PMDG panel windows, meaning that it must have given it the OK. Way back last year, i used to run to Kirk Olssen's F-16, that used the same radar/TCAS gauge that Eric Marciano created. back then, no probablems arrived. ( i was also using the default version of FSUIPC that comes with PMDG 737, and FS9.) all i really want to do is iliminate the error, and to get the TCAS/Radar gauge to work (as without the FSUIPC it will not). i have also found (within the FS2004/moduals folder) a file called 'FSUIPC' subtitled 'registration entries'. whe i click on this a message pops up saying "do you want to add the info in (path to file) to the register. i have not clicked on it in case something goes wrong. Has anyone got the same problem? Any help appreciated. Fred 'mulletman' Clark.
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