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Everything posted by monithi

  1. I cannot make macro for a320 mcdu key press but working fine with pmdg any idea why? or how can i solve it
  2. Hi Pete when trying to create macro for FS Lab MCDU button i am getting "R1:X10db120*X55cc" on every macro i tried to create also with the tab to test nothing is working can you please help me
  3. i see so that is the mistake i am not a programmer so it i could not figure it out anyway thanks a lots for your help
  4. Dear Pete i have another problem needed help i am trying to read offset 0x654C FPA on MCP of PMDG777 how do i convert them to decimal like it is display on the panel i am getting a lots of number below are my code and log monitor_offset.lua monitor_offset.log
  5. thank you sir will try them out
  6. Hi Pete i have been using fsuipc and Lua for quite sometime alredy and now i am trying VB and Java too i can read the offset status but wanted to know how can i use VB or Java to send ipc.control to fsx like in lua file. Thank you in advance for your help
  7. Thanks paul could not find them in the doc may be i missed them coz all i can find was nav 1 and nav 2
  8. Hi, I went through FSUIPC offset status in the module folder but i can find only nav1 frequency can anyone please tell me the the offset of standby frequency for com1 com2 nav1 nav2 please help cannot find them Thank you very much in advance
  9. Thanks will try as suggested the only problem is that if i update my aircraft FSX always crash after 15-20 minutes so if there is any other way please suggest
  10. Hi Pete This might seem to be silly question but i really need help with reading MCP data like heading,altitude , speed etc from PMDG 737-800ngx but using the offset provided with fsuipc are not giving me anything please advice
  11. i'm trying to get the value for mcp and lighting any suggestion please
  12. Hi Pete, Where can i get PMDG 777 offset value? I already tried searching the internet but could not find them anywhere please help.
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