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Posts posted by jimbob_isme

  1. I am having similar issues. 


    I have experienced the loss of my controls with just FSX, I have done the USB power save fix to no avail. I then purchased the full version of FSUICP earlier this week. I spent extensive time setting up the axes and buttons to where it worked perfectly. Tonight I was about an hour into a flight when I noticed that my hat switch was no longer responsive. I opened the FSUIPC GUI and nothing was recognized. FSX had stopped seeing my controllers. I have them connected to a powered USB hub. I cycled the power to no avail and then changed the port I had my hub connected to which also didn't work I am growing frustrated that even the "Fix" wasn't a valid solution. 


    I am running Windows 8 with the PMDG 737NGX for software and I am using Saiteks Pro Flight series yoke with throtal quadrant and rudder pedals. Any help and further solutions would be greatly appreciated. And if it permanent all the better.


    Thanks Again

    Michael Vernon 

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