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Everything posted by Ajpetty

  1. Pete all these posting sites give me a headache. I don't know where a post should go, so I am basically shooting in the dark trying to get answers. Thanks for the re direct. As for the Simkits No there was no disk and really no instructions to them except how to assembly them and even that was slim. I don't even know what FSUIP is or what it is suppose to do. The instruments will calibrate, but they will not load into 2002,2003, or FSX when I start or run the FS. As I said I am new to this ground piloting and my previous experience with flight sims was on B-52's and F-16's. I never had to build one just fly it, and I sure did not know how to work on one. I've tried I think downloading the FSUIPC it shows in the add-ons when I run FSX, but that does not help get the instrument responding. I'm using a static computer for the Sim I've built last summer, and it is all up to date as well as all the service packs for the Sim programs. I just want to get rid of this TV screen and use instruments on the sim. Any help would be greatly appreciated in getting me headed in the right direction.
  2. I'am New to this ground piloting and flight Sim programs. I purchased Sim Kit standby instruments but I can not get them to work in either 2002 or FSX. even throught they say they will work. I have my computer updated the best I can with XP(I do not go on line with it) but when I start FSX the insturments do not work at all. They will calibrate but thats about it. Any suggestions? Thanks
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