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Posts posted by hillbilly20

  1. Thanks for taking the time to respond John.


    I have had a look at the reference, I am a bit baffled at how this all fits together. I havent done much of this before and so its a bit beyond me. Is there some sort of tutorial on how to use LVARS? I am not sure if actions are done in FSUIPC or somewhere else or what. Sorry to inconvenience you - I thought switch assignment would be simple but its not proving to be so lol.




    Alan Hill

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I am running P3D v 4.5 and flying a Quality Wings 787.

    I am running into issues trying to assign a few switches to various functions.

    I am trying to assign switches to:

    Landing Lights

    IRS Left

    IRS Right

    And a few others. I have assigned some switches using FSUIPC 6 FS functions but not all are listed.


    I have come across more advanced features of assignments using the numbered tables and I can use these but they still dont seem to work correctly.


    I have also come across LVARS for I dont know how to assign switches using tags such as QW_OH_LDG_LEFT_SWITCH.


    Can anyone help?


    Thanks in anticipation


    Kind regards


    Alan Hill

  3. I think that I may have assigned certain keystrokes etc when i made them in fsuipc. It seemed like a good idea at the time but I thought that it would apply to all pmdg aircraft but it seems that this is not the case. I have tried loading another pmdg 737 but none of the key assignments are there. I suppose I need to know how to copy assignments from one aircraft to another and where these are stored.


    Thanks in anticipation Pet





  4. Hi there

    I have p3dv4 and have assigned all sorts of buttons and axises to TUI NGX.

    I have now tried to fly the same aircraft with the Ryan Air livery but none of the buttons, switches or axes work. I understand that I must have assigned the switches using the profiles specific option but how can I copy these assignments over to other NGX aircraft?


    I have seen the other articles here, but I didnt understand Pete's comment "switch to Profiles" How do I do that?


    Can anyone help. Regards



  5. Hello Pete


    I am a fully registered user of FSUIPC.


    I am slowly (very slowly as it turns out) building a home simulator bit by bit based upon a main windows 7 machine (other PC's will be used for instrumentation). I currently have loaded FSX and PMDG 737 but I am considering changing to P3D and iFly 737 - not sure at the moment but I do get a lot of crashes with FSX/PMDG.


    I have several issues at present, I wonder if you might be able to assist:


    1. I have purchased an EFIS from Cockpitsimparts. It looks good but I am having some difficulty in using offsets with the EFIS. When I switch to FSUIPC in FSX, the 'joystic' button is recognised but when I attempt to assign the buttons to the FS in the functions list, there are not sufficient options for all of the EFIS functions. For example, display range is simply refered to as INC and DEC. I cannot see how to use the FSUIPC to program specific ranges (5,10,20,40,80,160,320,640). Also the VOR 1 and VOR 2 switches do not have corresponding exact commands in the FS command list. Other buttons are similar although all of the more simpler push button switches work fine.


    2. I have read up a bit on offsets and although I am a bit confused, I think that with some work I will be able to get this system working but is there anything produced that can take a beginner from start to advanced with regard to programming FSUIPC offsets and the like?


    3. Is there a list of the FSX/FSUIPC offsets produced anywhere?


    4. I have managed find a reference to FSUIPC SDK. What is this and can this help me?


    5. Finally, I have been looking into how I can reproduce instrumentation on other PC's using WideFS and Sim Connect. I have managed to do this using Panel Builder software which is functional but not really authentic with the 737. I have been considering Project Magenta (seems a bit costly) but I have just come across the Aerosystem 737 software. This seems to be ok but it needs to have the FSX generic 737 loaded. As I wont be using the generic on screen panels, this is not a huge problem but I am wondering if I am limiting my options regarding using FSUIPC on a more basic aircraft. Shouldnt make that much difference I would have thought but I just wanted to ask your opinion before I go ahead and register this Aerosystem737 software.


    6. Keeping my costs down a bit, I have just purchased a printed verion of the overhead panel. I intend to put a whole pile of switches etc into this panel and then use it eventually to interface with FSUIPC. Again a list of all commands and their offsets would be useful for when I finish this project.


    Thanks in anticipation Peter


    Kind regards


    Alan H

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