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Posts posted by belairvideo

  1. It's a pity you did not say that you did not know what I was asking -instead of phrasing it the way you did? I think that most people would see it the way I did. Plain language in the way that I have described is only reasonable and polite.

    I apologise if you saw my all be it blunt comments as sarcasm, but telling me to go elsewhere is hardly subtle!

    As you probably know, flightsim is a young area of interest, and to my knowledge, there are no actual courses available to help ordinary people to understand the technical details. This also applies to understanding computers - to the extent that even computer shop engineers are mostly self trained and have no actual "qualifications" at all. May I suggest that this is why simmers of all persuation rely heavily on your considerable experience in most things simming.

    Sorry if I appear to be a dullard - I have a degree level education and a thriving film making business.

    Please do not reply to these comments as I have not really asked any questions. If you want to contact me at all - my email address is here.



  2. Yes Peter - I DO know how to plug monitors in.

    Would be scenario -

    The Parhelia's are plugged in.

    The PC's are networked.

    FSUIPC and WideFS installed.

    FS is running.

    Outside view is on PC1.

    Instruments(eg Magenta) are on PC2.

    An aircraft (eg a Baron) is selected on PC1.

    This is a simple,non technical run down of what I presume is correct.

    Again - in non technical terms, will the aircraft and the Magenta gauges function together? That is to say - will the gauges reflect the aircrafts movements?

    Us non technical types can be pulled up at every turn with technical replies- but it does not help in the long run. It's possible with all the jargonese needed to simulate flight to lose sight of what it was that brought us into flight simulation in the first place - the desire to fly - but without a real plane!

    In my experience, technical situations can always be explained in basic terms - if the "expert" has the inclination.

    I think suggesting that I might not know how to plug monitors in - inspired the flavour of my comments.



  3. Interesting comments Pete. Tuomas feels that one PC with extra cards installed is workable with 2004? Can you comment on the near impossible task of undocking without causing problems and instability? Thought you might have a viewpoint? If you have a means of doing this successfully - all the better - but it may not be your line of interest.


    TONY GERARD, Plymouth U.K.

  4. Hi.

    We may have spoken before on Avsim's forum?

    With 2002, I had a brilliant setup using Parhelia and two PCI cards which provided all I needed (instruments and outside view). Changing to 2004, I notice that the undocking mode on a window is "greyed out" unless I go to windowed mode for outside view - then all hell breaks lose!!! Any number of events can occur - especially when, after moving a window, I go back to full screen!. Nothing seems predictable, and the whole thing is unstable! If it were not for the fact that I want to use Vox ATC, I would stay with 2002, and supplement it with add-ons to make up for the less quality scenery. Also, 2004 will not let me use my 2002 fantastic Lago Otter!!

    If you have a step by step on undocking without tears, I would love to see it!

    Too much to hope?

    Many thanks,

    TONY GERARD, Plymouth U.K.

  5. Hi Peter.

    Thankyou for your considered reply. Things are a bit clearer now.

    If I use either an FS plane, or an add-on plane, will Project Magenta serve as the aircrafts panel? If not - do you know how Project Magenta users (using WIDEFS) display aircraft and gauges - or should I be speaking to Schiratti?

    I hope that these questions are clear enough as I am not a technician, and cant put them any other way. All I am looking for is an outside view on the server, and gauges on other PC's. Fairly typical in the sim world I would say?




    So - if I install for instance, gauges made from FS Panel Studio, could they be run on a client - or, because they rely on aspects of FS - are they out of bounds? So what sort of stuff CAN be used? I (no doubt along with many others) wish to show gauges on another PC (client) - so what can I use that has nothing to do with FS? Seems a bit weird - given that an aircraft flying on FS has to have data links with it's gauges which (it would seem) FSWIDE cannot handle because it would technically be part of FS???

    What is FSWIDE typically used for? How could gauges from a specific aircraft in FS, be displayed - and what sort would they be if they are not related to the FS prog - and how do they interact?

    You are a brilliant and busy man - but I hope that you can find time to explain some things to me. All I want to do is simulate a flying experience - not understand the depths of computer programming!

    No offence - please reply soon as I am about to lose the will to live.

    TONY GERARD, Plymouth, U.K.

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