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  1. This my wiring and feedback from the logging
  2. It is working but I need to do press & release several times to get an reaction from the parking brake. Then occasionally when press the parking brake is deactivate and release it activate. I did event get where the parking brake is jumping, but that was a config problem on my side. I will do as you say "then you can assign to the press of buttons 0 and 1 instead and not assign to the button release"
  3. I think I made a mistake with the connection to my Leo Bodner card. I connect one wire of the limit switch to GND and the other one to pin B1. Will check tonight and follow your suggestion. Will connect to pin B1 & B2. Thanks for the rapid reply much appreciated.
  4. I use a limited switch for parking brake. In the Button and Switches tab I press the switch and FSUIPC register button# 0 when I release button# 1 is registered. Is that write. On button# 0 I select Parking Brake from the dropdown menu, on press, Para 0 and release, para 1. Because the limit switch will be in a press state when Parking Brake is off and needs to be on when limit switch is released. What do I enter the in Button#1. Because I think I will get strange behaviour form the virtual parking brake.
  5. Thanks Luke, I will post Mobiflight response which make no sense.
  6. Luke no. I build a DIY Autopilot/MCP. It return 000. When I get closer to an airport then CRS on my Diy Autopilot starts to countdown. On the main screen of Mobiflight (first screen when open Mobiflight) the CaptainCRS Sim Input is 340 but Output is blank.
  7. It seems I am at a loss. I use FSX, FSUIPC with Mobiflight. I look through the FSUIPC offsets but can't find Offset for Captain CRS.
  8. I installed AeroSim 787 but the Altitude in AP does not working via FSUIPC only Altitude in the PFD is working. The command in FSUIPC is Ap Alt Var Inc and Ap Alt Var Dec. This do work on other aircraft.
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