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Everything posted by Turbofandriver

  1. Hi, I have now FS2020 40th anniversary edition. While looking in simmarket for your fsuipc7 version it says that it is not usable with the Xbox version of FS. I purchased the PC for Xbox version, ie it is running in my windows 11 pc. Is this limitation only limited to the full Xbox console or also limited to the PC to Xbox version? Please see attached photo. Thanks again for your time.
  2. John, It works!! Now I have to fine tune the ranges since some appear to be overlapping! Thanks again! Rafael Tfd
  3. Thanks for your prompt reply John, Yes that is what I am trying to do with the key press and release control....in the box labled "Parameter" I need to know what to type in the box both for the NUM+ key in the UP ranges/detents and the NUM- key for the Down ranges. Unfortunately the PSS is no longer supported so I have to find some improvisation and experimentation to see if it works...Also the link of the long ago posting in this forum... In summary I only need what to type in "verbatim" into the Parameters box in the up and down ranges of the keypress and release to see if it works. Thanks again and I will keep you posted of the results. TFD
  4. Hi, Looked everywhere and it is no easy task to find specifically what I am looking for. I have an old but reliable FS9 running the PSS A320, I found a previous user (from years ago posting) in which you mentioned to try using the range parameter sections of the axis assignment to force the NUM + and - keys. I really find quite confusing and not straight forward the descriptions in the Advanced user guide. (For sure I am not that advanced nor savvy in the subject of programming) I only want to know which are the parameters for those two key presses... I have tried simply putting the + and - in the parameters box... but I understand is not the right one. Any light in this subject could be highly appreciated. and yes it is more than awkward using the keyboard to set the detents I do manually in the real thing! Thanks again. TFD
  5. Hi, I own both fs9 and fsx versions of fsuipc. I had a hard disk crash which has brought numerous problems to run fs9. I decided to uninstall and reinstall everything, however the original key for fs9 is not working... Also I did download the security related file a few months ago, and worked fine until I entered into this system crash related problem... In other words I can not use my original fsuipc fs9 key! I contacted simmarket and they asked me to contact you instead. The decision to remove and reinstall is that my throttle quadrant appears to be mixing axes after trying to set up separate throttles for a CRJ 700 console configuration ie. spoiler/ thrust lever1/ thrust lever2/ flaps. Please advise work around.... Thanks :huh:
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