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Everything posted by Sergei1971

  1. Thanks a lot. I'll try it now! Have a nice day.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply Pete. Offset - 78ED, Length (bytes) - 1, value: 24 CPT AP Take Over Pressed 25 CPT AP Take Over Released 26 FO AP Take Over Pressed 27 FO AP Take Over Released
  3. Hello. I am using FMGS A320 software. I need to assign two buttons on two joysticks via FSUIPC. On the captain’s joystick - "CPT AP Take Over pressed" "CPT AP Take Over released" And on the joystick of the co-pilot "FO AP Take Over pressed" "FO AP Take Over released" The FMGS A320 software has a PDF document FSUIPC OFFSETS. Please help to do this! I will be very grateful. I am using Prepar3D v5, FSUIPC6 registered. Here is a record of my joysticks from FSUIPC.INI [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters = No 1 = Logitech Extreme 3D 1.GUID = {A5B52970-3C8D-11EA-8001-444553540000} 0 = USB Joystick 0.GUID = {A5C07410-3C8D-11EA-8009-444553540000} Best regards, Sergei.
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