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NaMcO last won the day on August 6 2022

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  1. Thanks John, i had to reinstall it, somehow during the last update i might have missed the WASM installation.
  2. As per the topic, i can no longer find the list LVARS menu entry. I tried looking up the new PMDG777 lvar list to make my ACARS compatible with it, and came here for some help. Did i miss some required action in FSUIPC which re-enables listing of LVARS? Thank you
  3. Hello, As per the topic, is there a way to disable the auto update feature? A window keeps popping up every now and then because there is a new version out and i don't want to update straight away because i run quite a lot of applications (some developed by myself) and i need to test things out before deciding on the update. This window comes out on top of my sim and i need to close it all the time becoming quite annoying. Thanks.
  4. Indeed. Clearing the browser's application cache entirely reveals the new file. Thanks John!
  5. @John Dowson I have posted in another thread about this... The link still downloads version 7.3.7.
  6. Hello, It looks like the link still points to the previous 7.3.7 version. I mean, the file is the same, apparently it hasn't been replaced on the server.
  7. Sounds great, thank you John!
  8. Hello, First of all, i am not trying to cause any pressure for a release. I am just wondering if the next version will come sometime after SU10 or if something is planned prior to that as i am going to release new software for my Virtual Airline that depends on the new version and wanted to plan accordingly. Thanks! Nuno
  9. Thanks a lot John. I have tested it and 0x0590 is returning the desired values. Awesome! Meanwhile i have tested this simvar some more in longer flights and the altitude is indeed correct. Now if only all other developers start using it for IVAO and so on, everyone will once again be synchronized 😊
  10. Hello again, This is definitely the SIMVAR to read as it holds the calculated altitude based on pressure (or so it seems). I am reading it to 0x2544 and obtained the presumably correct values for a test of FL300 350 and then 380 with PMDG's 737. 0x2544, 4, INDICATED ALTITUDE CALIBRATED,I32, Feet, w (although i don't think it is writable, nor do i need it - just copied for a test) So, thanks a lot for adding it to a fixed offset, it will be very useful indeed! Nuno
  11. I guess this is the solution. I will look into this, and report back for anyone interested. Thanks a lot for your input John.
  12. I read that the Vpilot client developer solved the issue in some way, but i cannot find any information about what he did in order to get the proper altitude from MSFS. I can read the aircraft corrected altitude which usually translates to 35000 38000 or 32000 depending at which altitude you're flying, but this is still not the actual altitude the aircraft is flying at. Is there really no other way except to "do the math" and get the altitude? Does FSUIPC even have all the required offsets for these calculations? I'm sorry, but i'm a complete newbie regarding altitude calculations with pressure and temperature on the mix, so this is why i'm asking. Thanks!
  13. Thanks, just wanted to make sure this was something that had to be addressed (or not) on the Asobo side. Since it is, i'll just wait until they fix it.
  14. @John Dowson I opened a new topic because this one seemed kind of "abandoned" and it was not my own question. But i do agree it is related, so... Question from the other topic: Hello, Is it possible, with the current values provided by MSFS, to calculate the actual altitude the aircraft is flying in? I am currently flying at FL360 and the reported altitude through the regular offsets is way off (37342ft at the moment). Sometimes it's even bigger. I understand that MSFS has a whole different (better) model of the atmosphere, so is there a way to read all the required data to calculate the "correct" altitude we're flying at? I am sorry but this is a very grey area for me, altitude calculations with pressure, temperature and the such make me "dizzy", so any help is appreciated. Thank you!
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