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Gerrit Jansma

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Everything posted by Gerrit Jansma

  1. With all due respect, Peter, I use the installer but it just does not work. Can you give me the link of the installer, maybe I used the wrong one. Can you explain why the installation of FSCUIPC did succeed? Gerrit
  2. Thank you your response. What do you mean ïnstall al three parts"? Can you not explain step by step what to do to install FsWide? The installer says that i can or FScuipc or FSWIDE installing or both When installing FsCuipc everything went well. I have three hundred times my e mailadres filled in and the key that i have recived from Simmarket. Best i can do, and it still go wrong. Greet, Gerrit
  3. Pete, I send it to you. Regards, Gerrit Jansma
  4. Hello Paul 1. The system date is wrong. The system date is OK 2. You're not using the current installer (4.936) I use 4.936 3. Your Name is not entered exactly as it is on your simMarket key page. Use copy and paste. My name is exactly the same, at FSCUIPC it went okay 4. Your Email address is not entered exactly. I am using the correct email address and entered in the correct manner. (A thousand times verified) 5. The Key is not entered exactly. The key, I can dream. 6. You've bought a key for WideFS6 (not 7) by mistake. I have the key for WideFS7received from Simmarket (controlled) Gerrit
  5. Paul My computer is on the correct time and date (5-9-2014)
  6. Paul My computer is on the correct time and date (5-9-2014)
  7. Hello Paul, Thanks for wanting to help. After activating the installer FSCUIPC I get the opportunity to register. FSCUIPC4 or WideFS7 or both With this installer I have previously FsCuipc successfully put on the computer Of course I choose "WideFS7" and set "Just enter new registration" After pressing "Go ahead", the key disappears and I read "sorry, this key is not valid for WideFS registration" So something is definitely not right. Gerrit
  8. I've done everything so as mr. Paul Henty wrote. No result Maybe we can go back to my question of 3 September " I now have a working and registered FSCUIPC on my computer. What should I do to install and register? WideFS If you give me the steps I can make sure I do the procedure properly." Gerrit.
  9. Thanks Paul, I'll try tomorrow. You'll hear from me.
  10. To see if I'm doing everything right; I now have a working and registered FSCUIPC on my computer. What should I do to install and register? WideFS If you give me the steps I can make sure I do the procedure properly. Thanks in advance. Gerrit. Holland
  11. Yes, everything was the same except the key of course.
  12. I made this known to Simmarket. They examined my key. There was nothing wrong with it according to them. They keep referring me to the forum and Peter Dowson for a solution. I really do not know what to do to register in order to make WideFs work. Gerrit
  13. IN FSX is full FSCUIPC visible and works well The FSWIDE isas it says in the screen, not registered and refers to the FSCUIPC installer. So I go back to the installer and choose the option to only register. FSWide So I get the input screen. I fill my data plus the key. Press Ok And then the inlogkey disappears. Cut and paste, I've also tried (and a thousand other) I really do not know how to proceed. Sincerely, Gerrit
  14. Hello, I got all of FSCUIP removed and reinstalled. On my desktop I have the installer installed. Right click and run as administator. Next screen says "Installed in FSX OK" Then a small screen where I can register both. (FSCUIPC and WideFS) registration FSCUIP goes well. Next screen is registering WideFS. After filling and press OK the completed key disappears. So what goes wrong? Regards, Gerrit
  15. Hi Thomas, I bought them on the same date (2 weeks back) I got FSCUIPC4 and WideFs7 from Simmarket. But maybe someone give me a brief registration procedure so I can see what I might be doing wrong regards, Gerrit
  16. Hello England, I FSCUIP installed and that went well. A few days later I tried to install WideFS and it does not work. I do presies so as to FSCUIP but it will not work. I did enter the registration key manually or use copy and paste Can you explain what needs to happen from the moment I unpacked? WideFS Thanks in advance. regards, Gerrit, Amstelveen. Holland
  17. I have FScuipc on my FSX. For the registration i bought these from SimMarket. Fscuipc works after the registration very well. But the registration of WIDEFS will not work. If i fill in the registration-key and press OK the keynumbers disappear. I have read the instructions of WIDEFS from mr.Dowson. Can someone help me please how to registreed WIDEFS ? Thanks in Advance. Gerrit jansma. Holland Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.936 Looking in registry for FSX install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0 Parameter"SetupPath" ... >>> OK! FOUND FSX! <<< ... Looking in registry for ESP install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0 Parameter"SetupPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ESP Parameter"AppPath" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for Prepar3D install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D Parameter"SetupPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Prepar3D Parameter"AppPath" ... NOT found! ... Looking in registry for Prepar3D v2 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2 Parameter"SetupPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Prepar3D v2 Parameter"AppPath" ... NOT found! ... =========================================================== INSTALLATION FOR FSX: SetupPath="C:\Vliegtuigsimulatie\FSX\" Checking version of the FSX EXE: ... Version 10.0.61637.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0) Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect: Found SimConnect build 60905 (Original) Found SimConnect build 61242 (SP1 May07) Found SimConnect build 61259 (Acc/SP2 Oct07) Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in: C:\Vliegtuigsimulatie\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL ... Version 4.936 found. FSX Modules folder already exists. Okay -- installed FSUIPC4 into "C:\Vliegtuigsimulatie\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL" Looking for the current user's Application Data path: ... found as "C:\Users\Gerrit\AppData\Roaming" Now finding \Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\AppData\Roaming" Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Users\Gerrit\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG" Now checking DLL.XML ... ... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section. ... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced. (for FSUIPC4, without Loader) ... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ... ... No SimConnect.XML file found. This is okay. Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Application Data\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Contacts\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Cookies\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Desktop\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Documents\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Downloads\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Favorites\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Links\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Local Settings\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Menu Start\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Mijn documenten\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Music\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\NetHood\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Netwerkprinteromgeving\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Pictures\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Recent\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Saved Games\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Searches\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\SendTo\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Sjablonen\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there Looking in "C:\Users\Gerrit\Videos\Roaming" ... No FSX.CFG there "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder already exists. Now installing additional files into the "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder: Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay Installed "List of FSX and P3D controls.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay Installed "Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf" okay Installed "LuaFileSystem.pdf" okay Installed "Example LUA plugins.zip" okay Installed "ASN WX Radar facilities in FSUIPC4.pdf" okay Installed "Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX.pdf" okay Installed "FSUIPC4 Offsets Status.pdf" okay
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