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John Noe

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Everything posted by John Noe

  1. I did add the line. Flew a flight today ATL-BOS in the FBW Development version. Also loaded were the DeltaVA Acars, Pilot2Atc, Navigraph charts, and FSUIPC along with AIG Traffic with live weather. No disconnects. If the problem happens again, I will take a look at the MaxClients issue. My disconnects could happen anytime from runway to runway before. Thanks for the support. John
  2. John, does this mean I add the "DisableMSFSMonitor=Enum" line as you have written into that file John
  3. I I am having some problems with FSUIPC closing when inflight. This only happens when using a ACARS system from a VA. I have tried multiple options with my registered version and now believe it may be best to fully remove it and start over. Like many users, multiple software packages cause issues but I seem to unable to remove FSUIPC to do trouble shooting. There must be some vestige remaining after following the uninstall routine. I remove all of its folders but my setup still recognizes the registered version . Where does it place files other than the obvious John
  4. John, wish I could have tried the new file but other install issues led me to believe, my installation had some flaws For me, it is just easier to start all over. I have now redone everything including a naked reinstall of Win10 Pro, and both P3D 4 and 5. Also the new FSUIPC6 and happy to report everything works great. My OS is on C with both sims on E. Heck I even fooled the PMDG 737Nu into P3Dv5. Someday, I may actually fly this setup instead of mucking with software. Thanks for the help from you and your Dad. John
  5. Wish, I could.
  6. I found a few other frustrations while installing v5 so here we go
  7. I understand. I have decided to redo everything including Windows 10. I just did it a few months ago but we are still in home status here in the states so time is time. John
  8. I tried just turning off documents and that didn't work either so I just did FSUIPC6 install and that worked.
  9. I turned off everything in the install except FSUIPC 6 and it worked. Registered and ready to go.
  10. Luke, my setting is on yet this happens. John
  11. Using this method did not allow me to register but it did install
  12. I tried again telling it not to create an xml so it would not close out. FSUIPC6 Installer v1.1.1 Running in folder 'E:' Determining installation details... FSUIPC5 SetupPath: E:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules Found SetupPath location: E:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules No FSUIPC5 dll at SetupPath location: E:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules Returning Modules location: E:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules Documents folder location for add-on: C:\Users\diajo\OneDrive\Documents P3Dv4: P3Dv4Installed=1, InstallType=None, OriginalInstallDir=, FSUIPCInstalledv4=, DLLFile=, XmlAddonFile=, InstallDocumentsLocation=C:\Users\diajo\OneDrive\Documents\FSUIPC6 P3Dv5: P3Dv5Installed=1, InstallType=None, OriginalInstallDir=, FSUIPCInstalledv5=, DLLFile=, XmlAddonFile=, InstallDocumentsLocation=C:\Users\diajo\OneDrive\Documents\FSUIPC6 Default installation directory is now 'C:\Users\diajo\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6' Output folder: C:\Users\diajo\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6 Extract: FSUIPC6.dll... 100% Installing DLL with InstallType=DLL FSUIPC6 dll file installed in C:\Users\diajo\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6. XML Add-On method not selected - DLL installation method will be used Updating DLL.XML for P3Dv5 DLL.xml not updated as not found at C:\Users\diajo\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\DLL.XML - creating... P3Ds C:\Users\diajo\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\DLL.XML updated. FSUIPC6.dll installation completed. Installing User Manuals... Create folder: C:\Users\diajo\OneDrive\Documents\FSUIPC6 Failed to create documents directory C:\Users\diajo\OneDrive\Documents\FSUIPC6
  13. My P3D FSUIPC install worked when it was on my C Drive but I have now installed on a different SSD {E:) as you have. I did clean up the earlier install on 😄 On installation attempts using the default, the installer closes when failing to create the xml files using the install on the E drive as it did when I first installed it..
  14. John, I am back to were I was after reinstalling P3D v5. The installer simply will not work when you have Microsoft OneDrive on your Windows 10 installation. I point to a folder, any folder for P3D Addons and FSUIPC does not create the xml file needed. I plan to give up for now but you need to take a look at giving us the ability to use the product in a bit less automated manner.
  15. Problem solved. A Microsoft one drive issue. Thanks. John
  16. I understand that but see no log. It errors out creating the xml file
  17. John, it starts and then the installer closes without finishing. What is looking for?
  18. I have installed the product purchased from Sim-market multiple times and it does not show up under addons. What should I do? John
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