*** Moved from main support forum to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum ***
Hello everyone. I'm using the free version of FSUIPC on MSFS with Windows 11. Nothing works after SU15 unfortunately.
FSUIPC shows that simulator is avaliable. Trying to connect...
FSLTL says "not connected to simconnect"
I am NOT using any antivirus or firewall (also windows defender ets are disabled). My Windows user account control settings are set to lowest. I also tried to use the empty community folder to check it but no success.
Is it FSUIPC related or not i dont know. Everything was working perfectly until this uptade. I tried something that i've read on forum like changing 64 to 128 for Max Client and unfortunately nothing worked. Could you please help ? Thanks in advance.
Here is my log file.
********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.4.17 (4th September 2024) by John Dowson *********
Steam installation detected: Checking for FS path in 'C:\Users\Çağdaş\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt'
FS path found = C:\Users\Çağdaş\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\
WebSocket server found: C:\FSUIPC7\\Utils\FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe
Windows 11 detected - setting DisableMSFSMonitor to 'Enum'
Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit reported as Build 22631, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0)
FSUIPC is running with elevated privileges
Reading options from "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.ini"
Checking the Registrations now ...
User Name=""
User Addr=""
FSUIPC7 not user registered
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
78 System time = 26/09/2024 21:05:22
78 FLT path = "C:\Users\Çağdaş\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\"
78 Allowing calibration when not assigned with 'Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration'
78 -------------------------------------------------------------------
125 *** Calcode for preset 'GNS530_GNS430' exceeds max allowed length of 1023 characters - ignoring
125 Preset file 'C:\FSUIPC7\myevents.txt' not found [info only]
125 16557 Calculator Code presets have been loaded and are available for use
172 6560 No hot key defined to open FSUIPC main window - this is ok
188 6560 FS path = "C:\Users\Çağdaş\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\"
188 6560 LogOptions=60000040 0000001D
188 6560 Auto-started via EXE.xml with DetectToConnectDelayAuto=30, InitialStallTime=20
3172 6560 Simulator detected
33188 6560 Trying to connect...
53610 6560 Trying to connect...
74047 6560 Trying to connect...
81047 6560 Deactivated for PID=12576, "explorer.exe"
81047 6560 Lost focus to PID=12576, "explorer.exe"
94485 6560 Trying to connect...
100407 6560 Deactivated for PID=12576, "explorer.exe"
114907 6560 Trying to connect...
135328 6560 Trying to connect...
155782 6560 Trying to connect...
159407 6560 Deactivated for PID=12576, "explorer.exe"
176235 6560 Trying to connect...
196672 6560 Trying to connect...
217110 6560 Trying to connect...
237547 6560 Trying to connect...
257985 6560 Trying to connect...
270485 6560 Deactivated for PID=18036, "chrome.exe"
278422 6560 Trying to connect...
298860 6560 Trying to connect...
319297 6560 Trying to connect...
339735 6560 Trying to connect...
360172 6560 Trying to connect...