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Posts posted by zea

  1. Hmm. System Error 6 is "Invalid Handle". The only handle there is the special one, 0xFFFFFFFF, which is specifically needed for a system paging file. Here's what the CreateFileMapping documentation says:


    "If hFile is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, the calling process must also specify a size for the file mapping object in the dwMaximumSizeHigh and dwMaximumSizeLow parameters. In this scenario,CreateFileMapping creates a file mapping object of a specified size that is backed by the system paging file instead of by a file in the file system."


    INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE is actually defined as -1. Are you trying to compile in 64-bit mode? Try -1 instead. Maybe 0xFFFFFFFF is coming out as 0x00000000FFFFFFFF instead of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.




    Thank you Pete.

    I am sorry for my late reply, I've been away from my computer for several days.


    Yes, I am trying to compile in 64-bit mode, and the same code runs pretty good in 32-bit mode.

    I just tried 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, and m_hMap gets 64, while in 32-bit mode it should be 96.

    And after several lines, the program goes wrong again .


    The error message is "Unhanled exception at 0x5168b3d9(msvcr100d.dll) in test.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000139800004."



    here are part of the codes, and I have added comments.

            // create the file-mapping object
    	m_hMap = CreateFileMapping(
    					(HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, // use system paging file
    					NULL,               // security
    					PAGE_READWRITE,     // protection
    					0, MAX_SIZE+256,       // size
    					szName);            // name 
    	//============m_hMap get 64, diffrent from 96 in 32-bit mode.============
    	if ((m_hMap == 0) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))
    	{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_MAP;
    		return FALSE;    
    	// get a view of the file-mapping object
    	m_pView = (BYTE*)MapViewOfFile(m_hMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0);
    	// m_pView is different every time I run it. an example value is 1638400
    	if (m_pView == NULL)
    	{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_VIEW;
    		return FALSE;
    	// Okay, now determine FSUIPC version AND FS type
    	m_pNext = m_pView;
    	// Try up to 5 times with a 100mSec rest between each
    	// Note that WideClient returns zeroes initially, whilst waiting
    	// for the Server to get the data
    	while ((i++ < 5) && ((FSUIPC_Version == 0) || (FSUIPC_FS_Version == 0)))
    	{	// Read FSUIPC version
    		if (!FSUIPC_Read(0x3304, 4, &FSUIPC_Version, pdwResult))
    		{	FSUIPC_Close();
    			return FALSE;
    		// and FS version and validity check pattern
    		if (!FSUIPC_Read(0x3308, 4, &FSUIPC_FS_Version, pdwResult))
    		{	FSUIPC_Close();
    			return FALSE;
    		// Write our Library version number to a special read-only offset
    		// This is to assist diagnosis from FSUIPC logging
    		// But only do this on first try
    		if ((i < 2) && !FSUIPC_Write(0x330a, 2, &FSUIPC_Lib_Version, pdwResult))
    		{	FSUIPC_Close();
    			return FALSE;
    		//========================= the code goes wrong below ======================
    		// Actually send the requests and get the responses ("process")
    		if (!FSUIPC_Process(pdwResult))
    		{	FSUIPC_Close();
    			return FALSE;
    		// Maybe running on WideClient, and need another try
    		Sleep(100); // Give it a chance

    The error is in the function BOOL FSUIPC_Process(DWORD *pdwResult).

    part of the code are below.

    BOOL FSUIPC_Process(DWORD *pdwResult)
    {	DWORD dwError;
    	DWORD *pdw;
    	int i = 0;
    	if (!m_pView)
    	{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN;
    		return FALSE;
    	if (m_pView == m_pNext)
    	{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_NODATA;
    		return FALSE;
    	ZeroMemory(m_pNext, 4); // Terminator
    	m_pNext = m_pView;
    	// send the request (allow up to 9 tries)
    	while ((++i < 10) && !SendMessageTimeout(
    			m_hWnd,       // FS6 window handle
    			m_msg,        // our registered message id
    			m_atom,       // wParam: name of file-mapping object
    			0,            // lParam: offset of request into file-mapping obj
    			SMTO_BLOCK,   // halt this thread until we get a response
    			2000,			  // time out interval
    			&dwError))    // return value
    	{	Sleep(100); // Allow for things to happen
    	if (i >= 10) // Failed all tries?
    	{	*pdwResult = GetLastError() == 0 ? FSUIPC_ERR_TIMEOUT : FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG;
    		return FALSE;
    	if (dwError != FS6IPC_MESSAGE_SUCCESS)
    	{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_DATA; // FSUIPC didn't like something in the data!
    		return FALSE;
    	// Decode and store results of Read requests
    	pdw = (DWORD *) m_pView;
    	while (*pdw)
    	{	switch (*pdw)
    				pHdrR = (FS6IPC_READSTATEDATA_HDR *) pdw;
    				m_pNext += sizeof(FS6IPC_READSTATEDATA_HDR);
    				if (pHdrR->pDest && pHdrR->nBytes)
    					CopyMemory(pHdrR->pDest, m_pNext, pHdrR->nBytes);
    				//===========  Visual Studio breaks in the next line.====================
    				m_pNext += pHdrR->nBytes;
    				// This is a write, so there's no returned data to store
    				pHdrW = (FS6IPC_WRITESTATEDATA_HDR *) pdw;
    				m_pNext += sizeof(FS6IPC_WRITESTATEDATA_HDR) + pHdrW->nBytes;
    				// Error! So terminate the scan
    				*pdw = 0;




  2. Sorry, you only show the one line, and I don't know what your szName parameter is. A return of 0 means a failure, so use GetLastError() to get the error number to see why it failed.




    Thank you for your reply.


    I use printf() to display the value of szName and GetLastError().

    szName is "FsasmLib:IPC:1AC0:1" . Note that "1AC0" changes every time I run the plugin.

    GetLastError() returns 6.



    I am not sure whether related code is helpful because it is just part of the FSUIPC demo. I put it below and I have added comment where my program failed.

    BOOL FSUIPC_Open(DWORD dwFSReq, DWORD *pdwResult)
    {  char szName[MAX_PATH];
    	static int nTry = 0;
    	BOOL fWideFS = FALSE;
    	int i = 0;
    	// abort if already started
    	if (m_pView)
    	{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_OPEN;
    		return FALSE;
    	// Clear version information, so know when connected
    	FSUIPC_Version = FSUIPC_FS_Version = 0;
    	// Connect via FSUIPC, which is known to be FSUIPC's own
    	// and isn't subject to user modificiation
    	m_hWnd = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, "UIPCMAIN", NULL);
    	if (!m_hWnd)
    	{	// If there's no UIPCMAIN, we may be using WideClient
    		// which only simulates FS98
    		m_hWnd = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, "FS98MAIN", NULL);
    		fWideFS = TRUE;
    		if (!m_hWnd)
    		{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS;
    			return FALSE;
    	// register the window message
    	m_msg = RegisterWindowMessage(FS6IPC_MSGNAME1);
    	if (m_msg == 0)
    	{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_REGMSG;
    		return FALSE;
    	// create the name of our file-mapping object
    	nTry++; // Ensures a unique string is used in case user closes and reopens
    	wsprintf(szName, FS6IPC_MSGNAME1 ":%X:%X", GetCurrentProcessId(), nTry);
    	// stuff the name into a global atom
    	m_atom = GlobalAddAtom(szName);
    	if (m_atom == 0)
       {	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_ATOM;
    		return FALSE;
    	// create the file-mapping object
    	m_hMap = CreateFileMapping(
    					(HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF, // use system paging file
    					NULL,               // security
    					PAGE_READWRITE,     // protection
    					0, MAX_SIZE+256,       // size
    					szName);            // name 
    //=====================The function above returns 0, as a result the connection fail.===============
    	if ((m_hMap == 0) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))
    	{	*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_MAP;
    		return FALSE;    

    Best regards,


  3. Dear Pete,


    I am now on a project that automantically switch channel in TeamSpeak3(TS3) according to the COM1 frequncy in FS2004.


    TS3 offers a SDK that can easily build a plugin(DLL file) for it.


    Based on the TS3 SDK demo, I added FSUIPC related files , but I failed to connect to the FSUIPC: FSUIPC_Open()  returned False.


    I debuged it, and found that in FSUIPC_Open(),

    m_hMap = CreateFileMapping(
    					(HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF, // use system paging file
    					NULL,               // security
    					PAGE_READWRITE,     // protection
    					0, MAX_SIZE+256,       // size

    m_hMap got 0. But in FSUIPC demo, it should be 96.



    I am wondering what kind of  modificatiosn should be done to my code so it can connect to FSUIPC .




    kind regards,


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