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  1. Thank you, but that is intentional and correct. The switch is a three position with one side being momentary and the other locks. I use one to lock the parking brakes ON and the momentary one to reset the position if out of sync. I keep intending to write a LUA script to get past the simple toggle "Parking brakes". You are also not seeing but a small part of the file. Here you can see the other side of the rocker: 19=PD,6,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- 20=UD,6,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- 21=RD,7,C65588,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- It has worked great for me for years. I only had trouble when I upgraded to ver 6 and ONLY with the one aircraft. I have not yet had time to fully sort it out. Cheers KingAir B200.ini
  2. Here is the relevant (bold) portion of the Module file for that aircraft "KingAir B200.ini" [Profile] Created=07/04/2019 20:53:40 [Buttons] PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 3=PB,32,C66056,0 -{PANEL_LIGHTS_ON}- 4=RB,36,C66057,0 -{PANEL_LIGHTS_OFF}- 5=RB,34,C65879,0 -{HEADING_BUG_INC}- 6=RB,38,C65880,0 -{HEADING_BUG_DEC}- 11=RA,30,K113,8 -{Key press: F2}- 12=UA,30,K114,8 -{Key press: F3}- 13=PD,25,C65580,0 -{AP_MASTER}- 15=PD,21,C65597,0 -{FLAPS_1}- 16=UD,21,C65599,0 -{FLAPS_2}- 17=PD,22,C65601,0 -{FLAPS_3}- 18=UD,22,C65599,0 -{FLAPS_2}- 19=PD,6,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- 20=UD,6,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}-
  3. I just upgraded from FSUIC5 to FSUIPC6. I copied the FSUIPC5.ini to FSUIPC6.ini. Rebooted. First flight, flying "Flight1 Beechcraft KingAir B200". Parking Brake control IS programmed in a specific profile to this aircraft. I can see it in the FSUIPC config buttons window.. However, it no longer works. What's more is when I select that button to program it I can not select a replacement command; the dropdown does not work. If I exit the FSUIPC interface and reenter I can select any other push button or switch on the same controller (TM HOTAS Warthog) and FSUIPC works fine. For some reason this ONE BUTTON registers in FSUIPC which describes it as set for command "Parking Brake", but FSUIPC not only does NOT perform the "Parking Brake" function, but it will not display the dropdown to even let me select another command. That you for the help. ETA I did reboot and restart everything a few times and always the same issue. I have flown this aircraft a lot the past week and it was working just fine under FSUIPC5. P3D V4.5/ Windows 7 XP1 (soon upgrading to Win10/P3D v5)
  4. For the future reference of others, here is what I have done. I have the Pro version, but I think this works on all versions. Aside from setting a joystick axis in FSUIPC to "Spoilers" and then setting the "Steering Control Mode" to "Spoiler" Axis in the Majestic Control Panel, there is also a file YourFlightSimFolder\SimObjects\Airplanes\mjc8q400\ini\mjc86.ini that can be slightly modified to make the rudder pedals have a more useful effect on the tiller. I found the default setting made the rudder pedals useless even though they had soe effect on ground steering. With my minor change I can now use the Spoiler/tiller axis for more dramatic ground maneuvers and I can use the rudder pedals for the straight taxiways or slightly curved taxiways. Edit the following line to read: PEDALS_STEERING_EFFECTIVENESS = 2.5 ;The DEFAULT is - PEDALS_STEERING_EFFECTIVENESS = 0.5 (or 0.7 on New Version) (The recent upgrade switched it back from mu change of 2.5 to 0.7) You will find this strikes a nice balance and make taxiing much easier. Good Luck
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