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  1. The Update ending "u" did the trick! Thanks again, Ken
  2. Thank you gentlemen, I'll get on with the update and come back if I'm still in trouble. Best, Ken
  3. Thanks for the reply and apologies for not having responded sooner. My problem is that when I tick "Yes" I get an FSX Fatal Error every time. See fatal error details. https://www.dropbox.com/s/do0gha3edd2pite/FSUIPC%20fatal%20error.png?dl=0 There must be something else cooking! Best, Ken
  4. Hello Pete, Out of nowhere the attached message started appearing on FSX load. I'm sure it would mean something to you but if you need more info from me to diagnose please let me know. Thanks, Ken
  5. Many thanks Pete ... that's what I needed to know. Ken
  6. Pete, The instructions clearly say to NOT install WideFS on any computer where I'll be running FS itself ... but does that mean a computer that has FS installed but not running while using it as a client or as stated simply has FS installed on it period. It would be convenient if the former applied and could be used as a client (not running FS) or as a simulator when Wide is not being used. Can you clarify for me please, Ken
  7. Pete, me again, I'm down to saying good bye to all the MS controls assignment but have foundered on leaving the Joystick Hat behind. I use it a lot and it's very smooth and handy. I may have missed how FSUIPC handles it's assignment or it's replacement .... other than some complicated coding of the 32-39 btns ... and there seems to be some user resistance to the ultimate result that's achieved. Can you straighten me out on these options: 1) I can or can't assign the MS J-hat available on it's own without returning the entire joystick programming to MS first. i.e. I can't have my cake and eat it! 2) If the above is true is there another way to load the MS hat into FSUIPC ... say by deleting all the MS assignments (except for the Hat) and then assigning it in FS with Joystick "enabled box" ticked 3) Is there a way to program one in FS that duplicates the MS Hat and is that available Maybe there's some discussion around on this that you could direct me too ... I haven't downloaded the "advanced" FS documentation at this point and possibly it's dealt with there. Ken
  8. Thanks Pete, you were reading my mind as I couldn't find a "Prop Pitch Reverse" in the list so I was about to write for the correct alternative. So for two engines I could use Prop Pitch decr on each lever. I presume the Prop Pitch N requires the prop number ... but I take it they both accomplish the same result. I must compliment you on this wonderful program that I've owned for so long and never really used ... it's a hummer once you get the hang of it. I see now that some developers are making FSUIPC part of their requirements. I'd like to think I've got it all figured but I suspect I'll be back begging for help! Ken
  9. Hi Stephen, I'm in agreement and found that they accept the assigment of (F2) Throttle decr/incr ... but if my understanding of the Majestic Dash 8 and other turbo props is correct, the reversers are created by the Prop Pitch and maybe maybe the F2 should be assigned to them rather than the power levers ... I'll try the options today. I used to use the Saitek Pro Throttles with the F2 after the detent when I was preoccupied with the jets ... the Turbo-Props of today are a little more compicated in this matter it seems. I really like the quality for the money of the Warthogs and with two throttle sets I can have 6 levers for the planes like the KingAir B200 which require separate Conditioners and Prop Pitch. If I can figure out a good solution I'll post it here as others may be pondering the same question. Warthog have their own programming code but that's another college education I don't need right now! Ken
  10. Thanks Pete, I was afraid you'd say that but the button idea is useful. As I remember there's no Reverser button in FS but I think we used F2 to accomplish it. In any event a review of my FSUIPC file which goes back to signing in on 2008 brought up an unidentified dissertation on the subject by an unknown author. If his method works I will plagiarize his formula and claim authorship.....!! Let me know if you think it needs help. "The method I use on my Saitek Pro system for setting up the reversers on the JS41 is when calibrating the Throttle axis 'check the box 'No Reverse Zone' on the calibration page. Then in the FSUIPC tabs select 'buttons and switches', then move the lever that you have assigned as your throttle all the way back through the detent and you will see that the box named Joy# will now have two numbers in it --- mine shows Joy #xx Button # 20. When you get the numbers for your setup, put a check mark in the box to the right named 'Select for FS control'. Then from the drop down list below choose either "Throttle Decrease" if you are using a single axis for both throttles or if you have two throttles on independent levers choose "Throttle 1 decrease and/or Throttle 2 similarly for each that you are calibrating. Then place a check mark in the box below named "control to repeat while held". Now if you move the throttle levers all the way back through the detent it will act as though you have the F2 key depressed and the throttles will go into reverse mode. On moving the throttles back through the detent they will return the throttles to ground idle" Thanks Pete for the prompt reply and if you need any snow I'll be happy to ship you as much as you want from the interior of BC! Ken
  11. I'm looking for the instructions or help files that cover using the axis behind the main Throttles axis which you get to by lifting the Throttle levers up and over the detent. I can't raise any activity for this Axis and am assuming I'm not doing something right. The main Throttles forward movement portion works fine. Can someone please point me in the right direction in programming for their use in FSUIPC ? Ken
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