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Everything posted by ckplatt

  1. Thank you everyone for all the help! This thread is closed! Curtis
  2. Sorry Ron if I missed your message in the past...its VB5.0.
  3. Kind Sirs: My .exe program fails to close when I close it (as told by Windows Task Manager), but the program if run from Visual Basic, closes. What would cause an open thread in an .exe but not under VB debugger? My program used FSUIPC to convert flight data to voltage via an D-A device. It is working well, but I think there is a loop somewhere in the FSUIPC program or libraries and seems to be using too much processor time. I have attached the files if anyone could look them over or could give me any direction. Thank you for all the help in the past here!!!! (esp. JD) Curtis Hydraulic.ZIP
  4. Sorry caught a small problem in first zip...it should work now. Curtis
  5. I have a full motion 747 sim I am developing in Irvine, Ca. and have completed a VB .exe (with the gracious input of JD) that pulls info from FSUIPC and sends it to a D/A converter and on to the hydraulics. I would love to have a VB pro look at the working code I wrote and make any suggestions for improvment. It is a pretty short program. Does anyone know someone who might help? Thank you for reading this. Curtis :D FinalHydraulic.ZIP
  6. You Rock!
  7. Thank you again JD. I think the info in the SDK manual conflicts with my final program- I think the roll is in the pitch address and the number is 8 bits not 4...could that be possible??? Forever in your debt, Curtis
  8. I am having problems using Bank data. I think this snippet (that works great) shows the Bank and Pitch addresses are switched on Peter's table and this Byte size should be 8 instead of 4 also. Any clarification would be so appreciated: Dim Fake64Bit As Currency Dim dwResult As Long Dim Roll As Double If FSUIPC_Read(&H578, 8, VarPtr(Fake64Bit), dwResult) Then If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then Roll = Fake64Bit * 100# Roll = Roll * 90# / (1.000175E+07# * 65536# * 65536#) lblRoll.Caption = Roll
  9. Thank you JD so much! You gave me the missing concept. If I get it right on the last line you meant to use in the process dwrollResult instead of dwResult correct? Thank you again, Curtis
  10. Can someone please help me with the Read command line in VB for roll?? I especially do not know how to format the roll address in VB. In C++ it looks like: FSUIPC_Read(0x057C, 4, &uiRoll, &dwRollResult); I would forever be greatful! Curtis
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