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About Mr.Computer

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. FS does not support both multiplayer and AI traffic simultaneously, so there is no AI information to obtain in multiplayer modes. I think, in VB, you indicate hexadecimal by that leading & so I don't know why it would fail. However, the Microsoft compiler stupidly sign extends the D010 making the value FFFFD010 which will cause problems. You have to postpenf an & too I think: &D010&. Do you mean "variable", not "variant"? Offsets are hexacimal numbers and are containable in an integer. You must be talking about the data to which the offset relates? Data can be of any length. This message I am writing now, for instances, can be thought of as one string which is several hundred bytes long. You will see from the FSUIPC Programmer's Guide that the data at D010 is an array of structures (TCAS_DATA2) each of which is actually 20 bytes long. There can be 96 of these, so the real data length at offset D010 is 96 x 20 or 1920 bytes. Where exactly are you reading "48" from? You find the one you want in the complete list of planes within range, of course. How else? How are you identifying the plane? By position, by an ID of some kind? Regards, Pete So, you are meaning that I can not build an radar contact program with FSUIPC? Else, how can I get information about the planes that connected to the multiplayer? And, I tried to write &D010&, and it still cause me a problem. The error is: Compile Error: expected: expression. Here is my code: Dim AIDat As Variant Call FSUIPC_Read(&D010&, 48, VarPtr(AIDat), dwResult) Label1 = AIDat The variant type is because I don't know what type I need, to this offset, I don't know what type of variable is 48 size long. Thanck in advance. Nahi.
  2. FS does not support both multiplayer and AI traffic simultaneously, so there is no AI information to obtain in multiplayer modes. I think, in VB, you indicate hexadecimal by that leading & so I don't know why it would fail. However, the Microsoft compiler stupidly sign extends the D010 making the value FFFFD010 which will cause problems. You have to postpenf an & too I think: &D010&. Do you mean "variable", not "variant"? Offsets are hexacimal numbers and are containable in an integer. You must be talking about the data to which the offset relates? Data can be of any length. This message I am writing now, for instances, can be thought of as one string which is several hundred bytes long. You will see from the FSUIPC Programmer's Guide that the data at D010 is an array of structures (TCAS_DATA2) each of which is actually 20 bytes long. There can be 96 of these, so the real data length at offset D010 is 96 x 20 or 1920 bytes. Where exactly are you reading "48" from? You find the one you want in the complete list of planes within range, of course. How else? How are you identifying the plane? By position, by an ID of some kind? Regards, Pete So, you are meaning that I can not build an radar contact program with FSUIPC? Else, how can I get information about the planes that connected to the multiplayer?
  3. Hello every body. I would like to ask some question as following: 1) I want to build radar contact program. If my program is not connected to the multiplayer(but the player's simulatror is connected), can my program still get AI information? 2) I am programming with VB. In the read function of the FSUIPC module, I am using the offset D010. a) When Iam writing &D010, I am getting an error about the & symbol. b) This offset is 48 bytes long. I am not familiar with variant that his size is 48. How can I get an variant with a size of 48 bytes? 3) The offsets for the AI traffic gets a data from all the AI planes? If yes how can I get information from a specific plane? Thank in advance and a happy new year. Nahman Boguslawsky.
  4. Hello, I downloaded the MultiPlayer SDK from Microsoft's website. I can't understand there some sorten things. At first I would like to ask, how do I use the EnumHosts Command. Thank in advance.
  5. Hello again Pete and all the other friends. Can anybody send me example in VB for connecting to multiplayer in FS? I red the SDK supported by MICROSOFT, but the SDK have no examples. I know DirectPlay, but again, it al seems a little bit foggy to me. Thank in advance. Nahi.
  6. Thanks Peter. I'll follow your advice. I'll check the MICROSOFT FS website. If something will go wrong, I'll go back to here and ask again. Regards, Nahi.
  7. Hello, I want to build radar, simple one. I want him to connect to the multiplayer(not VATSIM)(This is, the easy part), and he will show the pilots, like in ordinary radar(Yes, like ASRC). Is this can be done by programming with FSUIPC? Thank in advance
  8. OKay, I solved the problem. But now, there is another one. I am trying to check if the doors in Cessna are open, It always just saying the doors are open(with the num 0). I don't know what to do, maybe something with the connection? Here is the code as follow: Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Call FSUIPC_Initialization If FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) Then Dim DoorS As Variant Dim DoorStatus As String Call FSUIPC_Read(&H3367, 1, VarPtr(DoorS), dwResult) Call FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) If DoorS = 0 Then DoorStatus = "Open" ElseIf DoorS = 1 Then DoorStatus = "Close" End If lblDoorStatus.Caption = DoorStatus Else lblDoorStatus.Caption = dwResult End If End Sub The code doesn't repeating error number, it always just writes "Open". Thank in advance(If someone will help me... :roll: )
  9. Could someone help me here? :?:
  10. Hello again, I tried to do what had been wrote at the guid by Pete(with the example in VB) but, when I tried to get time, at first it shoed me the error 9, so I tried to do an FSUIPC_Open sentence, but then I got error no. 1 Here is the code as follow: Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim dwResult As Long Dim auiTime() As Byte ReDim auiTime(3) If FSUIPC_Read(&H238, 3, VarPtr(auiTime(1)), dwResult) Then If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then lblTTIme = Format(auiTime(1), "00") & ":" & _ Format(auiTime(2), "00") & ":" & _ Format(auiTime(3), "00") Else lblTTIme = "Err Prc:" & ResultText(dwResult) End If Else lblTTIme = "Err Rdn:" & dwResult End If End Sub What Do I need to do to solve this problem?. As signed by Nahi.
  11. Okay, I found the SDK, FSI2 and the guid made by our dear friend, pete, thanks to all that wanted to help me. If I shall have more questions, I shall ask here. Thanks and good night(or morning? :shock: ) to all. Signed by Nahi.
  12. Hello, I'm newbe and I want to ask some questions. I am programmer in VB(Visual-Basic), and I want to get and send information from and to the FS. Some said to me that FSUIPC will do the best. But, unfortunately I don't know even clew for how and where to start. Maybe, someone can show me a guid that explains how to start(from connecting to FS and how to connect to FS), and to explain me how I can get information about the plane status(fuel, altitude, on ground, engine start, engine shut-down, aitborn, landed and so more). Thank for all, and especially for who will help me. Nahi.
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