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Everything posted by mick4658

  1. Hi John , so sorry I was not clear on using prosim but I am also using the prosim cfg xml from old pc so should talk to fsuipc, thanks for all your help on this the software and support is fantastic , I shall fiddle about this weekend to see if I can get it working kind Regards Mick
  2. Yes I I see the buttons but they do not flick the switch on the prosim panel
  3. Hi Jon sorry but I am now confused i have had a look and on the old pc INI and still works correct I notice the letters on the new pc INI do not match the joystick cards there are mixed up ,,,does the letters on both have to match the devices so should be the same ie A B C D E F device match on both pcs basically I am asking if A = device ie button box on old pc should be the same as A = button box on new pc because they are not the same kind Regards Mick
  4. ok Iwll send you log and ini from old pc thanks FSUIPC.ini FSUIPC.log
  5. hi if it helps I can sendyou the INI and log from old pc first then INI and log from new pc
  6. Hi when you say run fsuipc do you mean run the sim and open fsuipc or just run sim? here is my log FSUIPC.log
  7. hi here is the INI file from new pc FSUIPC.ini
  8. Thanks for reply ,Yes sorry I mean AutoAsignLetters parameter from no to yes on old pc then copied the moded FSUIPC .INI into new pc
  9. Hi all Please any help on this one ,I am moving up to a new pc ready for a new sim ,at present I am still running fs2004 I have moved it to my windows 10 machine for now and the sim is running very well but I need to move my fsuipc ini file to that pc ,my Understanding from the user guide and was followed to my best , so this is what I have done on the old pc I changed the Fsuipc .ini file in Joy names section from no to yes then run sim on old pc then closed sim and copied the fsuipc INI.file to modules on new pc then run sim on new pc but must of completely miss understood as my switches and yokes etc do not work .I have saved all the old configs before I attempted this so please can anyone tell me step by step the correct way to do this ? So I can start again Kind Regards mick
  10. Thanks very much for your help pete, I shall do it over the weekend .
  11. Hi , please help, I have just installed fsx on same pc as fs9 , is it possible to transfer all my joystick controls settings to fsuipc4 ini from the fs9 fsuipc.ini or do I have to start assigning from scratch ?
  12. Hi Pete Thanks for the reply I got this information from Ian Sissons 737 site he mentioned it in the 3.8 version of fsuipc so yes it was a long time ago ,anyway thank you for the macro list I shall drop it into modules folder. Great software Pete and thanks again Kind regards Mick
  13. Hi Pete, Please can you help,I have fsuipc 3.99z latest and registered I am trying to set up my overhead switches etc Pmdg 737 fs9 ,as I understand there should be a 737 OHD mcro file in my modules folder but I cannot find this and there is no option in buttons and switches in fsuipc ,is there a separate download for this file or do I have an install problem ? Kind Regards Mick
  14. hi Pete not sure if I have used this forum correctly As I am a newbie .any way I am running fs9 on win xp with Pmdg 737 on reading Ian sissons 737 Pmdg set up he says there is a 737 OHD macro file installed with fsuipc but on my options buttons and switches I do not have this set up options I have looked in the modules folder and there is no 737ohd macro file . I have the registered copy of fsuipc and wideFS Please help as I want to set my cockpit the way Ian has done. Kind Regards Mick
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