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Jim Schougaard

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Posts posted by Jim Schougaard

  1. Hi Pete,

    Sorry for not answering before now. Have been sick for a few days.


    I deleted my FSUIPC folders and reinstalled it. After that process, I got my thrust levers properly working.

    No, I have not send a ticket to LM. I can see that many others also have problems with the controllers (joysticks etc.) in P3D.

    I do not know what the problem is all about. In my controls sections on P3D I can only choose the mouse yoke. My Saitek and Hotas Warthog is not even listed within P3D controls page.


    Another question is how I can assign my levers to the reverse thrust and the same time use them as normal thrust levers? There is not a reverse range options on my Hotas Warthog. So I think that I have to assign a bottom to tell the software that now the levers is in reverse mode, or how??


    My best regards,


  2. Hi,

    I am trying to assign my Z axis to engine 2 thr. set but it dosent respon corretly. When I am in the 777 cocpit and move my secon lever (hotas thrustmaster) my speed brake arm move and my second engine starts its rew. thr.


    My other lever is assign to engine 1 thr set. and works corretly.


    What do I do about this?


    Everything works just fine yesterday but today evrything is just messed up. Also I cant not get access to my controls (Saitek and Thrust Master) within P3D I can only assign with usinng FSUIPC.


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