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  1. Thank you pete. James.
  2. Hi luke nice to meet you my windows 7 computer died now I am on my new windows 8.1 computer hence the task bar problem as above thanks james
  3. Thank you peter when I used windows 7 before it expired and died I had no problems with this so I could pull up say a youtube video,s to follow instructions for example and then minimize and return to fsx all the time.Sorry I don't know too much about FSUIPC (silly me) but I have been simming for years with lots of payware add ons I fly with my ch yoke and use the mixture lever to steer, how much and what could I achieve by purchasing the full FSUIPC sorry for my ignorance peter I just don't understand your product fully its probably fantastic and loved by thousands. james. windows 8.1 i7 4470 3.6gb 16gb ram nvida 770 2 gb
  4. Hello peter, nice to meet you. my problem is when in windowed mode in fsx steam I click anything on the bottom windows task bar say to open plan 3 g it disconnects my ch yoke everytime and I have to come right out of fsx and start again I have your free fsuipc installed but somebody senior on the orbx forum said the only cure for this known problem on windows 8.1 is to purchase the full fsuipc version. will that correct it? many thanks.
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