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Tommaso Carbone

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Everything posted by Tommaso Carbone

  1. I knew that Peter is traveling, but I hoped in helping the community. I know WideFS User Guide.pdf but it is not needed. I will wait for Pete: on returning from vacation it will be even more charged!
  2. what is the reason why my topic is ignored?
  3. Hi Pete, after solving the problems I had with FSUIPC I ask you to help me with WideFS. I started WideFS on a computer other than the one running FSX SE and opens a blank page that just tells me "Connected". I tried to use FSUIPC on the computer with FSX to intercept the pressure of a button on the other PC, but did not see it. Why? With WideFS I would like to operate the Saitek Instrument panel on a second PC. Will I be able to do it? My two PCs use Windows 10 64-bit. Thank you
  4. HI Pete, I had set all the encoders I needed and it worked so well. Then, suddenly, FSUIPC no longer sees the encoders, but they are present among the peripherals of the PC and work regularly, and has passed the settings that I had assigned to the encoders to other switches, overwriting the previous settings. What may have happened? I tried to install FSUIPC again, but it tells me that the version in use is the most recent. Thank you
  5. Hi Pete, You wrote: "Well, you could log Events in FSUIPC (Logging tab) then operating them with the mouse and see what controls ("events") are logged. That's a good way." Actually I had already tried, but without conviction. But things done without conviction never work. Following your advice, I tried again and it worked. I will continue to build my cockpit and hope not to bother you anymore. I only ask you with which plane I can have the pleasure of seeing that famous green window of the macro appear. Although I have already overcome the problem. Thanks for your availability
  6. Hi Pete, I'm trying to create a cockpit that reproduces the functions of a real plane, but does not copy exactly one model. I was inspired by CESSNA C172SP, but I increased the instrumentation by creating the tools I wanted with Panel Builder. In particular, I would like to reproduce with these encoders the settings of these instruments, for example the "Barometric Pressure Adjustement", the "Altimeter Calibration", the "Heading Bug Adjustement", or the "True Airspeed Calibration". In general I would like to be able to find the command codes that FSX handles only with the mouse. Is there another way to find these codes? I realized that I do not agree with the choice of a default plane, as a starting point. What do you suggest me?
  7. Actually, I first posted my requests in "FSUIPC Client DLL for .NET". I am building a cockpit (of which I will send you the photo in progress) and I have mounted some encoders to adjust the setting of some instruments. These settings can be done only with the mouse, so I was thinking of using "mouse macros". If you can not use them as I can go back to the codes to be used to enter them manually in FSUIPC? I read about LVars and Lua, but I do not know them. Is this the way to go? The planes I mentioned are default, but with these the macros do not work. With which I can try them? Thanks for the support
  8. Sorry if I insist on sending requests for help, but the precedents have not been found and I am afraid of making something wrong. I recently downloaded and registered the latest version of FSUIPC because the one I had did not support macros. The current one has this function, but if I try to record a macro, no green window will open in FSX. I have Windows 10 and FSX SE. FSUIPC works regularly for all other functions. I tried to record macros with the Beechcraft Baron 58 and the Boeing 737-800. Can you help me? Thank you
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