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Posts posted by maddog

  1. I have FSX on a desktop with Ultimate Traffic which included the freeware-version of FSUIPC4. I just installed FSC9 on my laptop (2 times to be exact after reading the tips about installing as admin and so on). I want to use the moving-map feature in FSC9. I know I have to get a registered version of WideFS.

    My question is whether I also need a registered copy of FSUIPC4? Or can I use the FSUIPC4 which is already on the desktop (and working)?

    I searched the forums and manuals and Pete Dowson's page but I am still not sure.

    Thanks in advance for an answer and my bad if I have missed anything in my searches ;-)


    The best value package is to buy then together.

    Trust me, somewhere in the future you will need the features of the registered Fsuipc.

    Then you will be glad you bought the bundle.

  2. Is it not available anymore?

    I hv FSX


    Hello Tim

    FSCommander is probably the nearest you will get, and it is a very good planner.

    PM me over at avsim if you need any help getting started with FSCommander,

  3. Hello Francois

    I would help if online stores did not sell this crap in the first place.

    I buy nearly all my Addons through Simmarket and it saddens me to see rubbish like the new "coasters" on sale there.

    Please could Simmarket not sell addons that it feels may be a disappointment to the unwary buyer.

    If a newcomer to FS buys his first addons and comes away dissapointed he may never risk any hard earned money again.

    Many years ago my first addon was a certain Commander 115, which due to no fault on my part did not fully install.

    My first email exchange with the Developer would have put most folk off buying anymore Payware.

    You never get a second chance to make a first impression and stores like Simmarket could be losing customers by stocking rubbish

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