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Posts posted by bjoerntiemann

  1. **** Moved from main support forum to FSUIPC7-Beta support sub-forum ****

    Hi there,

    is there any chance to adjust the throttle for the A320 default in MFSF more accurate? I am suffering a jump from CL to FLEX to TOGA and cant properly snap the throttle (Saitek Qudrant) to the right stage (eg. after takeoff).



  2. Hi Pete,

    I am running P3D v4 with the latest version of FSUIPC. I am using the Saitek Quadrant.  With this Quadrant I do have assigned Joy#1 and Z Axis# to Throttle 1. When I do want to calibrate it in section 3 of 11, Thorttle 1, Throttle 3 and Throttle 4 are moving, not only Throttle 1 😞 why?

    Also, I do have assigned Joy#1 and U Axis# to Throttle 2 only. Once I move it, the  Prop pitch 1, 2, 3 and 4 in section 5 of 11 are moving (even if do not have assigned Pitch moving anywere) 😞 why?



  3. The Delta is det to -1 in nutral an set to 90 switch right, 180 switch down and 270 switch left. I did disable the joystick in Prepared and also deleted all assignements in the sim (not in FSUIPC). The hat buttons are only assigned in the axis dialog. If I try it for example in the AS320 nothing happens at all.

  4. Hi Pete,


    I am using the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro and Saitek Cessna Yoke. With both devices I am to stupid to set up the hat switch.


    I did exactly how adviced in the manuel page 33 with no success (version 4.949) as the view is only flickering.


    Do you have any idea how to solve that?




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