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Posts posted by BG

  1. Thanks very much. At the moment, Dave is checking for the taxiway data. Actually this issue has thrown up on the PFE website one or two other possible problem airports. The suggestion has been made that some of the newer 'high-end' airport sceneries are constructed in a manner which is unhelpful to data collection utilities.

    Bernard Greenbank

  2. Pete, thank you for taking so much trouble to provide this response. As I mentioned in my initial follow-up post, I had already run the update process having removed the troublesome 'exclude' file. The result was, as you suggest, that the runway data was not deleted and the PFE update process proceeded OK. However, PFE did not appear to have the necessary taxiway data it needs for its proprer operation, so all is not quite perfect.

    I'm awaiting Dave's response to this.

    Bernard Greenbank

  3. You are correct, there is no AFD file as such in the Aerosoft scenery folder - there are 20 files, each with the prefix EGLC. This is not uncommon, particularly with Aerosoft sceneries.

    The point is that Makerwys appears to be scanning the EGLC scenery twice. The first time it deletes the default EGLC and obtains the data it needs for the A/soft installation. Then on a second scan, it deletes the new A/soft data.

    It could be getting its data on first scan from a file called EGLC_ADE_BR. The second scan appears to be triggered by a file called EGLC_exclude. As I said in my follow-up post, if I remove this file from the scenery folder, then only one scan is performed and appropriate runway data obtained.

    Bernard Greenbank

  4. I'm a user of Dave March's PFE which uses Makerwys to update its database. After installing Aerosoft's EGLC for FSX I found that the update process for PFE excluded this scenery. Having contacted Dave we think the issue lies with the way in which the Aerosoft bgls are installed in FSX which causes Makerwys a problem when scanning files.

    Dave's possible explanation is set out below - it is a bit long, I'm afraid, but outlines the problem far better than I could -


    Now, the issue is EGLC is actually missing from all the relevant MakeRwy files you sent me for some reason. But my guess is this.... The way I believe the program works is it scans the scenery.cfg file and processes each scenery item as it finds it. Assuming that should it find a duplicate that any previous entries for the same airport can be dropped and the subsequent entries retained for the final file creation.

    So, according to your runways.txt file it finds the default EGLC as indicated here:-

    Airport EGLC N51:30:18.9957 E000:03:18.9995 19ft

    City Name="London"

    Airport Name="London City"

    in file: Scenery\0601\scenery\APX48130.bgl

    It then continues and further down the list it finds the new Aerosoft EGLS as indicated here:-


    Area.159 "London City Airport X)" (Layer=157)

    Local=Aerosoft\London City Airport X


    Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_ADE_BR.BGL


    Airport EGLC N51:30:18.9957 E000:03:18.9995 20ft

    City Name="London"

    Airport Name="London City"

    in file: Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_ADE_BR.BGL

    Delete all taxiways!

    Delete all runways and starts!

    Delete all taxiways!

    COM: Delete all frequencies!

    If you notice the DELETE entries which is where I believe it removes the previous entries read into its internal tables. Normally this works just fine, because most of us have added replacement airport sceneries, etc. But further scanning of the runways.txt files finds further entries for EGLC as shown below:-


    Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_ADE_BR_CVX.bgl



    Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_buildings.bgl



    Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_exclude.bgl


    Airport EGLC N51:30:18.9957 E000:03:18.9995 19ft

    City Name="London"

    Airport Name="London City"

    in file: Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_exclude.bgl

    Delete all taxiways!

    Delete all runways and starts!

    Delete all taxiways!

    COM: Delete all frequencies!

    Taxiname: #0 =

    FSM A/P EGLC, lat=51.505280, long=0.055278, alt=19


    Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_lights.bgl



    Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_platform.bgl



    Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_signs.bgl



    Aerosoft\London City Airport X\scenery\EGLC_stuff.BGL


    As you can see in the above example the entries marked for deletion, which I assume to be the last entries read for EGLC.

    Now this is purely guess work on my part as I have no idea how MakeRwys actually works .


    Perhaps this is something which could be looked at and, if necessary, changed could be made to Makerwys.

    Bernard Greenbank

  5. Hello Pete

    I really dont know why focus is lost - that's the crux. For eg, if I click on a switch on the overhead, that panel assumes focus and the main 'view' monitor loses it. I need to click on the main to re-shift the focus there in order that 'communication' can be reestablished.

    It's a shame about AdvDisp - this was a real work of art.


  6. Thankyou Pete

    I know that it is the process which receives the keystrokes - pardon my clumsy way of trying to explain my problem.

    I remove all panels from the main monitor leaving it to display view only. I'd thought this might be the basis of the problem. As for RC, when the main mon does not have focus, I do not lose sound, but I do lose the keystrokes. This, in fact, is not the only symptom. For eg some of my GoFlight modules lose communication in the same circumstances; I cant pause or unpause the sim either without main mon focus.

    I did not have these probs in FS9 and was set up in exactly the same way.

    Incidentally I much prefer AdvDisp with its variety of options of colour, of font and the ability to size and dock it on any panel so that it almost became part of that panel.


  7. I use this message window for Radar Contact in FSX. It would seem that, in order for the keystrokes to be recognized, the main monitor needs to have focus. I undock all my panels to various monitors and, of course, action on one panel removes the focus from the main. Is this a function of FSX - it did not do this in FS9. If so, is there any way round it.

    Previously I've always used AdvDisp and very much regret its passing. Is there absolutely no way it could be made to work in FSX?


  8. I'm really grateful for your further thoughts on this issue - it is most kind of you. At present, I'm doing all my testing without any weather at all in order that I can eliminate the types of corruption you mention.

    Luciano seems convinced that files are becoming corrupt due to either a defective connecting cable or network card. I've come to the view that he's probably correct but I still can't quite get my head round the fact that the problem is exclusively being related to weather.dll.


  9. Many thanks for the detailed response. I apologise for the omission of important details, I should have taken more care with my query. I'm using FS 9.1 and vers 3.5 of FSUIPC. I'm also clutching at straws with regard to my problem which, as I said, I have discussed at length with Luciano.

    The problem occurs not only when I am using weather, but also when I have cleared all weather, ie a clear flight. All options are set correctly in WV and I clear the wx on each machine using the appropriate button on FSUIPC.

    Basically what I was asking, I suppose, is, what is the advanced weather interface.

    This wx thing is a problem which is driving me mad and I'm now looking at the more unlikely areas for a solution before I decide that there is a hardware problem and change my network set up!!!


  10. Sorry this may be a bit long to explain. I am a WideView user with one server and two client machines. Currently I'm experiencing problems with regular CTDs on one or both of the client machines, the M/S error box pointing to weather.dll as the source of the problem. I've been exchanging emails with Luciano and we're not convinced that weather.dll is the culprit. However I did do a check on the FSUIPC log files after the last flight

    The entries for the two client machines are similar. Client 1 had - "26391 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded" and "33766 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled". Client 2 had - "27766 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded" and "28453 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled".

    These were the only two references in the log. On the server machine's log, however, the number of entries was greater - "54063 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded" : "57235 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled". "129781 ClearWeather Button Pressed" : "133719 WeatherOptions set, now 4000B6AD (timer=0)" : "133797Weather cleared by user action" and "133797 External weather discarded".

    I'm a bit confused by all this. Not sure what the references on the server log mean, but it seems that the last reference would have cleared the wx. On the client machines, there is no further reference after enabling the advanced weather interface. Firstly, I have to admit I don't know what this is and secondly it would seem that the wx conditions could be different for the clients and the server.

    I hope I've managed to make myself clear and I would be really grateful if I could have an explanation of the above. I do beg your pardon if this is obvious and I'm beinf dim.

    Many thanks


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