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  1. 4.947c works for p3d v2.5/v3 and FSX:SE. I also tested 4.947d with p3dv3 and all is good there. Thanks, Pete!
  2. Yes, you're right. I rolled back to 4.946 and it goes fine. If there was an option here to remove the thread, I'd have opted for it. Here's the symptom: Start up each of the programs and none run, none of which go past the splash screens. There's really nothing more to report. While I'm sure all run fine on your end, but don't you see that perhaps others may not have the same results? Congratulations on having such a successful program. I am sure I am not your only paying customer who enjoys it so much. Since 4.946 runs without trouble and 4.947 does not produce more symptoms than what's stated, I'm happy to stay there and leave it at that.
  3. Hello, I updated to 4.947 from 4.946 and now all three sims listed above will not run. I rolled back to 4.946 and all seems to be good. :/
  4. Thank you for the consideration :) Seems I am off to learn this LUA scripting. I understand your methodology! Happy flying!
  5. Hello Pete, I'd have sent a pm about this, but I didn't see any way to do it. If I have missed something, my apologies. I attempted to use a game controller with more than 32 buttons with FSUIPC today, but didn't have success. There are two companies who manufacture USB game controllers with more than 32 button inputs, and I own one of them. The device I attempted to use has a total of 64 button inputs. FSUIPC will use buttons 1 though 32 but not more. I'm expecting that in a situation where there is a POV hat, FSUIPC will use it, but this is not the case here. My suggestion/request is that FSUIPC have the ability to utilize more than 32 button inputs should a future version come out that addresses controller functionality. To that end, we can post one over to you to help further the effort. Also note that there are some current titles which use devices such as this natively. Those are iRacing, Assetto Corsa, rFactor2 and DCS. There is also a remapping utility called SVMapper which will allow buttons 33+ to be mapped to keyboard keys if needed. Certainly I understand that some things are a function of what windows gives FSUIPC :) Thank you, Derek Speare http://www.derekspearedesigns.com/64-button-no-matrix-controller.html
  6. Well, Pete...I am the dumb bunny...I had the function bound in both P3D and FSUIPC. Deleting the function from P3D took care of that...embarrassed...apologies! :oops:
  7. Thank you, Pete - I ran the console/debugger and the command is indeed being sent to the sim. The sim, however, isn't taking it. I'm off to report it to Lockheed.
  8. Thanks to Pete the 4.946 update :) I have a button set to "Spoiler Toggle" in FSX, P3Dv2.5 and P3Dv3 and run FSUIPC 4.946 for all three. I have the same button on one of my sticks set to "Spoiler Toggle" on press and on release. What this does is activate the spoilers on button press+HOLD and then deactive them on release. The function is not set to repeat. This binding works as wanted in both FSX and P3Dv2.5 but does not work for P3Dv3. I've tested this in the same plane, the F22, across all three. If I press the button in v3 the speedbrakes do nothing and then activate on release. It's something I felt should be reported. Boxx
  9. Thanks for the update, Pete :)
  10. I was able to install FSUIPC for P3D v3 (running window 7). I got the error message, clicked OK and it rolled on. I am able to access FSUIPC within P3D v3. I wanted to bind "Spoiler Toggle" to a button, but that function isn't there.
  11. I appreciate your vigilance. I retracted my first post and corrected it with new facts. The issue is related to the Iris F16 and F22. FSUIPC makes the changes properly. I am using FSX-SE with all of the latest updates. Dunno :/ Thank you anyhow. Your program is quite nice, full of features :)
  12. Disregard: It seems that the Iris planes are the root cause of the situation and do not allow for more than a 0.25mhz adjustment.
  13. Hi, I purchased the full version from Sim Market earlier today. It's a great product. I would like to know what is necessary to do in order to be able to make 0.005 mhz adjustments to my Comm Radios. For example: The ATIS service for Patrick AFB is 119.175 but my Iris F16 and F22 only let me make radio adjustments to the closest 0.25 mhz value. This means I must auto tune the radio, but I'd rather use FSUIPC to make the adjustment manually if it's possible. Thank you, Derek "BoxxMann" Speare
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