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Larry S

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Posts posted by Larry S

  1. Holger is away until the 12th, and I'm guessing Bill Womack is on pretty much the same schedule.

    My first guess would be verify the tmvl is set to 20. See page 27 in the manual.

    If that's not it be patient, and wait for the experts to get back.

    Lucky me, I'm about an hour from Bellevue so no week long trips needed. :lol:

  2. I'm making kind of a guess here, but I don't think the sender knows it was an incomplete download on your side.

    Not my area of expertise so I may be way off base, but my understanding is the data is getting lost/corrupted after they transmit. Kind of like if they put 10 socks into the dryer, but there are only 9 there when you take them out. :lol:

  3. Those funny colored strips are the digital globe coverage that Bob mentioned. Aside from showing where and what dates photos were taken, looks like it's main purpose is to fill the image with pretty colors.

    Google tends to look a little cluttered with all the layers turned on. I'd go through the list and turn off a few that aren't needed. I generally have only the basics on, like Francois. Then when I do need or want to add one, I just turn it back on.

  4. Hi Jeff -

    In top down view (ctrl s), changing the elevation of your plane isn't really changing the field of view of what you see. In fact, as you slew up, the plane will get closer to you, and even go above you and out of sight.

    For this type of screenshot, go to top down view and hit the + and - keys on the top of your keyboard to zoom your field of view in and out. You can even fine tune it by holding down shift when you press + or - and it will zoom in smaller steps.

  5. I hope you plan on driving the coast highway (highway 101 or highway 1, also known as pacific coast highway or pch) and not the freeway. The coast highway has some stunning scenery, especially the entire Oregon coast. My first time took 4 days from the Oregon/Washington border to San Francisco, because I refused to drive after dark and miss scenery, and I stopped often to enjoy the scenery.

    And yes, Glacier Bay ver 2 is in beta testing now and nearing completion. It will be freeware and continue north from where the Tongass scenery ends to N60* 30'.

    Keep an eye on Holgers freeware forum and the screenshots forum.

    Some info and screenshots are at :




  6. I just purchased both Tongass and Misty, and all I have to say is that I'm in seventh heaven! :D ....

    PS: I don't think my wife's going to see much of me for several weeks! :wink:

    I told you you'd like 'em :lol: And Vancouver+ is just is as good. Now we need to get 'em to fill in that gap between Vancouver and Misty. Then head south to where I am.

    And I just gotta ask -

    Does Holger owe your wife an "I'm sorry" or a "you're welcome" ? :wink: :lol:

  7. Tough question. There's no right or wrong answer. All 3 are excellent.

    If you haven't yet, go to simmarket and look at the screenshots for each one. You may see something that catches your eye and helps you decide.

    If your wallet will allow it, I think if you buy Tongass and Misty at the same time, you get a 25% discount on Misty. I'm sure Francois will show up at some point and confirm whether that offer is still available.

    But honestly, the best answer I can give you is they are all first class stuff, so buy all 3. :lol:

  8. Dan-

    I'm using Justins FSgenesis 76m mesh, I bought it a long time ago before he did 38m for AK. Since it's a lower resolution than the 38m mesh Holger supplied with Misty and Tongass (and Glacier Bay ver2 when it's released), there's not much chance of conflict. It still makes the rest of Alaska look much better, and the boundries of Holgers sceneries is much less noticable than using just the default FS9 mesh for the rest of Alaska.

    If you opt for 38m mesh (and they're about the same price, so it makes sense) follow the instructions on page 19 of the Tongass manual and it should work fine.

  9. Bill -

    I tried to make a deer. The body was ok, but not great, and probably too many polys. Couldn't get the antlers right. Looking forward to what you come with.

    Eyelleye -

    I've had black bear twice, and really enjoyed it. Deer and elk are far too "gamey" for me.

    westv -

    I agree. As I've gotten older and mellowed a bit, I prefer to watch, and shoot with a "non-lethal weapon" like this.


  10. Hi Arno

    You're correct it's the textures, either corrupted or missing. Look in effects\textures for fx_swoosh.bmp and fx_swoosh2.bmp. I suspecct fx_swoosh.bmp is missing.

    I'd put back both of the originals even if they are there just to be sure if it were me.

    You can get the originals from disk 1 in MSGAME1.cab. That cab file will open with winzip so you can get to the files.


  11. OOPS :oops:

    I just checked and that nasty little line is in the original aircraft.cfg I sent to Holger, before he added lights and wakes to it, etc; so it's my bad.

    No idea where it came from. It's not in any of the other boats I've done, and I thought I had used the aircraft.cfg from one of those and just changed the name references in it.

    Thanks to Jean-Marc, it's something I'll make a point of looking for if I do any future boats. I may not be the brightest light in the harbor, but I try to learn from my mistakes :wink:


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