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  1. I am finalizing a small project that presents the flown track onto a 64x32 RGB LED panel. The input comes from MSFS2020 / FSUIPC7 GPSout2 and GPRMC message type selected. Script written in Micropython on an Interstate 75 controller (Pimoroni Ltd U.K.) which in fact is built upon a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040). To make the script more perfect I need to know how I can order FSUIPC to 'sense' that MSFS2020 is in 'pause' state. Anyone who can give me a hint on this?
  2. Hi Paul, Now I have my Pico app running and the ManualConnectDemo also (on 2 PC's). Everything is working OK ! The ManualConnectDemo displaying the IAS and the data on the LCD connected to the Pico GS in Kts. (Currently 3 Kts GS more than the IAS). Greetings, Paulus
  3. Hi Paul, Thank you for your very rapid Reply. I just copied the demo .exe and the .dll to a 2nd PC that has a WideClient running. Now it worked. Then I tried it also on the PC that is running MSFS2020. On this PC the demo was now running OK "Connected to MSFS (V11.0)" while displaying the actual IAS. Maybe the error was caused by the fact that before, this afternoon, I had connected a Raspberry Pi Pico via a USB cable and the UART of the Pico via a USB-to-RS232 converter with the PC running MSFS2020 using the data broadcasts from FSUIPC7 GPSout to display GPS sentences to a 4x20 LCD connected to the Pico. I go to connect them again and see if this makes a difference to the execution of the ManualConnectDemo. Greetings, Paulus
  4. Hi, Today I installed the FSUIPC Client DLL after viewing the YouTube video by Paul Henty, built and ran the ManualConnectDemo. It failed. Unfortunately, I cannot upload a good screenshot because that is bigger than the size of "15B" (!?) that I am allowed to attach. I have Visual Studio 2019 installed on a desktop PC running the latest version of MS Windows 10 Pro. Building the ManualConnectDemo succeeded OK. - MSFS2020 ver with WideServer running. Waiting for a client; - FSUIPC7 running: "Simulator is available: connected"; - The ManualConnectDemo built Main Form showing on the bottom line the text: "Looking for a flight simulator..." - After clicking on "Connect" button on the "Main Form" of the ManualConnectDemo built, an "FSUIPC" window popped up with the text: "Connection Failed FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC". Question: what can I do to run the ManualConnectionDemo successfully? My intention is to build an interface for the Sim Innovation's Knobster which I used until now only with X-Plane 11. Paulus
  5. OK John. Now I'm back in the desktop PC that I had the browsing problems with. I found also this: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR - Microsoft Community I did the steps as advised in there. So let's see what happens when I am going to Submit this reply. If you don't see another reply from me in an hour, then the problem for this forum site are over. Paulus
  6. Submitting my ultimate reply did not cause an error on the second pc
  7. Hi Milan and Pete, Thank for your reply. Today, Jun 21, 2021, I read @milan 's. I was able to login to this forum. I was also able to open www.fsuipc.com. So, I thought: everything is OK. When I wrote my answer here in this forum to you, at the moment I pushed the button "Submit Reply", the Edge browser popped up that warning page as I uploaded on June 6. Then I removed the cookies from this forum and from simMarket. Then, from within a cmd session I issued the ipconfig ... command. Rebooted the desktop PC and also rebooted the router from my isp. After having internet again and my desktop PC had been rebooted, I tried again: logged into this forum, visited fsuipc.com. All OK, but at the time I wanted to send another reply in this forum I got again the warning page in Edge. Now I started a 2nd Windows PC that I have here. I logged into this forum OK. I called up the fsuip.com page. The page opened but with a warning on the address line saying (in Portuguese language) "not safe" See the screen shot. But the page of this forum shows the "lock", so that's OK. Also opening fsluip.com using the Chrome browser gives the "not safe" warning. So far my reply. Greetings, Paulus
  8. Hi, two different browsers are blocking my attempts to go to the download page. So, I am not able to download the latest update. MS Edge reports an ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR (see the attached image below) then on a tablet with Android OS: "could not encounter the DNS address for forum.flightsim.com." We are investigating the problem." (btw: last text is my translation from Portuguese into English). Greetings, paulsk
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