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About prunge

  • Birthday 02/05/1948

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    Northern California

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  1. Thanks Thomas. I only have Mouse Look checked in Miscellaneous (tried both on and off) and all three control spike boxes are checked. I re-installed FSUIPC 4, but I remember that getting the scroll wheel changing intrument bugs and dials was inside FSUIPIC somewhere. Any other ideas? Thanks! Paul
  2. I had been able to use my mouse wheel to adjust instrument buttons ("bugs") and other dials inside FSX and recently rebuilt FSX and use FSUIPC 4.939u (paid). I have not been able to figure out how to get that mouse wheel functionality working again. I beleieve it was inside FSUIPC on the miscellaneous tab? Can you help please. I HATE click and hold! Thanks so much. Paul
  3. Yes, I am using FS 9.1. I suspect that the last ATI Radion 9200 driver update of a few weeks ago may be the culprit. I will mine that good firm to see what they might suggest. I did roll the driver back to the last version (which was working fine), but no go. I will also hunt around the FS9 forums. Good idea... Paul
  4. Thanks so much Pete. I have been using FSUIPC since it began and it is a great add-in for FS. I hope you have gotten rich on it! :roll: Unfortunately, this F10 crash issue won't go away. I have tried tweaking the display options as suggested and even checking with ATI to make sure I was using the correct driver. Tried even re-installing FS9. All to no avail...F10 goes black and resets FS... Very disappointing. These software packages are so susceptible to outside influence and I guess I have set the correct combination to screw up my installation. Naturally, MS is useless in customer service... Anyways, it ain't FSUPIC! Thnaks for your ideas nonetheless. I'll wait for for FS "next" I guess. After 10 years of this, I shouldn't need a knee pad anyway right? :oops:
  5. I was happily using an older verion of FSUIPC and downloaded the new version. It is registeredt and paid. When I hit F10 to check a list or see a dialogue record etc...the system fades to black and crashes, eventually showing the "...FS9 has experienced a problem and needs to close...etc" error. This did not happen before I loaded the new FSUIPC, but am not sure it is to blame either. Any ideas on how to repair this issue? Thanks.
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